Research Our Fragile Bodies: Economic Change, the Nation-State and the Coronavirus Pandemic Like almost all major events recorded in history, not a soul in the world could’ve imagined that by the end of 2019, the world... Edward GreyAugust 14, 2021
Education How to Help Your Child Transition from Temporary to Long-Term Online Learning Over the past year, online learning has become the new norm across the UK. Parents are increasingly looking into top online schools to ensure their... Edward GreyMay 16, 2021
Entertainment 4 Texas Music Festivals You Should Set Your Sights on This Year The Lone Star State has a huge number of events taking place each year. In fact, a lot of these can be missed out... Edward GreyApril 4, 2021
Home Improvement What to Renovate Before a Big Spring Wedding in Oklahoma Whether you live in Oklahoma, or plan to move there after your wedding, it can help to prepare and renovate your home before the... Edward GreyApril 3, 2021
Construction and Manufacturing Essential Lifting Magnet Safety Considerations Lifting magnets have been around for many decades. Over time, the effectiveness and operational capacity of rare earth materials have allowed the advancement of... Edward GreyNovember 26, 2020
Construction and Manufacturing Famous Crane Collapses Of Modern Times While it seems fairly obvious that the use of cranes comes with a lot of risks that can only be mitigated through the use... Edward GreyNovember 26, 2020
Construction and Manufacturing Why Are Construction Cranes Dangerous—and How to Ensure Worker’s Safety at a Construction Site? This post will talk about the inherent risks involved in construction work involving cranes and best practices that can help improve worker's safety. Edward GreyApril 24, 2020