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5 Tech Additions You Need in Your Home for a New Foster Child

When it comes to bringing a foster child home, you may have everything ready in your mind.

You have their room set up, the house is tidy, you have the rules and routine ready to go and, of course, you know where to go to get help if you need to. However, there may have been an area that you have overlooked; things you can get for them and yourself to keep them safe when they are out and about, and things that can help them to better adapt.

This is where technology can come into play. Far from being something that a child will use to watch their favorite YouTube channel if you have a foster child, investing in a few pieces of tech for them can give you peace of mind.

So, what tech additions may be needed in your home?

Mobile Phone

You probably already have a mobile phone, and it is likely that if you have any children, they will probably have one too. But when you foster a child from the FCA, it is unlikely that they will have this piece of tech, especially if they are younger.

A mobile phone is important because it will allow you to get in touch with them and vice versa. You will be able to call them if they aren’t home on time, and it will allow them to contact you to tell you if they are planning to head out after school.

Computer or Tablet

Much like a mobile phone, tablets and computers can be great tools when put into the right hands. If you have a foster child who is shy and needs therapy, this can be accessed via a computer or tablet. So, they won’t have to leave your home and can get the help they need in their own space. Plus, of course, a computer or tablet is a great way for them to access support groups. If they are younger, be sure to set child locks and monitor their activity.

Baby Cam (Age-Dependent)

If you are fostering a younger child (below the age of 5), then it will probably be worth setting up a baby cam in their room, so you can check on them and ensure that they are OK. This is also going to be helpful if your foster child is displaying worrying behaviors, which can then be shown to a counselor or therapist when you are seeking help.

Digital Locks

It is always important when you have a foster child that they feel safe. And in some cases, this may involve the placement of digital locks around the home, on drawers, liquor cabinets, and the shed or sharp knife drawer. That way, you won’t need to worry about them cracking the lock, as you will be able to change the code once a week.

White Noise Machine

And finally, if you have a foster child that came from a home where there was domestic abuse or shouting, they may benefit from having a white noise machine in their bedroom. This will help them to tune out background noises and will aid them in getting a good night’s sleep.

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