The past couple of years were filled with smartphones and tablets and the hottest trends in technology involved touch screens. Apple shone extremely bright, thanks to the iPad and the iPhone, and the company definitely set the bar for the other tech companies out there.
On that note, this past year was also full of cloud-based services and more people started to take notice of their potential. However, now that another year is coming to end, more and more people are wondering what the trends in technology will be like for 2012? Well, here are several of the top choices for it.
1. Cloud
That’s right. Thanks to Apple’s iCloud, it looks like there will be more coming from them in that department. After all, a lot of IT departments have now veered away from traditional resource sharing in order to use cloud services, and private information centers are starting to vanish from sight. This will definitely make a mark on both businesses and technology from every end.
It is also easier for IT companies to move everything onto the Internet since they will now have more freedom to send information between various centers. Some predictions have even been made that businesses will probably rent out their servers instead of maintaining them now, thus ensuring that the Cloud is definitely here for the long haul.
2. Online TV
Not too long ago, Google dabbled in online TV, but sadly flopped like the Google Wave did. However, the truth is: Google TV really wasn’t that bad. It was merely the lack of public interest and poor service that made things worse for it overall.
This 2012, however, things might just turn around for online TV. With Apple TV, Sony’s online HD TV and Logitech’s Revue, online TV definitely seems to want to make a huge comeback as a great trend of technology for 2012.
3. New Hybrids
Sales have dipped in the PC market so far, but things haven’t hit rock bottom yet since tech companies are aware that users want some kind of cross-over device, which brings every great technology into one. With so many users of tablets and smartphones out there, it’s only a matter of time before the hybrids start popping out. Wait for it.
4. Better Smartphones
More and more attractive, cheap and faster devices seem to be popping up in today’s market and smartphones’ competition is just getting harder and harder. There is one thing for sure, though: smartphones are here to stay.
Think about it. Androids and iPhones currently hold most of the market’s interested and because of this, other manufacturers are trying to come up with cheaper smartphones that will cater to every user’s need. Smartphones are definitely a part of the future and are sure to remain hot throughout the entire of 2012.
Derrick Webb is an experienced writer and a blogger that is generally focused on Toledo SEO and internet marketing. He enjoys covering topics on an expat community blog that provides prepaid calling cards and swiss calling cards for international travelers. Take an additional 10% off with coupon code "acc10".

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December 24, 2011 at 6:46 am
your elaborative post and tactics has given me the solution to my questions ,thanks
December 24, 2011 at 6:49 am
it’s great to view your post ,it really helpful to me ,thanks for the post
December 24, 2011 at 7:41 am
Interesting predictions.
I think you are quite right.
But I don’t know about logitech trying in the tv market again. I can’t remember where so just take it as a rumor but I read somewhere that they were not happy with the market at the moment and thought it was a mistake to bring out their service so early. So they might watch from the sideline a bit first.
I personally am most interested to see if the technological advancements in mobile phones keep going this fast or will slow down, because I don’t see the competition getting any less fierce. And I want to see if a new xbox and playstation will get announced.
December 26, 2011 at 8:45 am
Technology nowadays really influences our lifestyle! And I never though about online televisions! I just know about televisions that has wifi access!
December 26, 2011 at 2:27 pm
What about Sling Technology?? Sure, Logitech and Google TV are great content-search tools for inside the home, but I much prefer my Sling Adapter, working with my 722k receiver from DISH, to bring ALL my live channels, AND my DVR with me when I leave the house. I have the free DISH Remote Access App (Free Download), and with my Sling Adapter I have full control of my DISH lineup. I can even set or watch DVR recordings from my Android. It works on dozens of devices, entails NO additional monthly fees, and is fully functional anywhere I can get 3G or WiFi!! This is a great feature, and something I would have subscribed to even if I didn’t work for DISH!! DISH is the only provider to offer this kind of access, and is truly an innovation for busy individuals who don’t want to let their hectic schedules interfere with their favorite programs or games!!
Charlotte Perry
December 26, 2011 at 2:31 pm
Siri should have a dedicated category, LOL! But ‘she’ isn’t a trend yet really…so maybe next year.
December 27, 2011 at 12:47 pm
I like the new voice recognition technology out now too it is getting smarter and a great tool for travelers. A real cool feature is the translate your language into the local language.
Touch screen is definitley way cool but I’m going to wait and see what sticks before making any buying decisions. Too often todays hot item is next months obsolute bargain bin sale.
December 29, 2011 at 8:32 am
I’m also anticipating of better smartphones this 2012. I’m guessing that more smartphones will have voice recognition as part of the handset that is highly interactive like SIRI.
December 29, 2011 at 4:20 pm
Regarding point 4, the smart phones. A year ago looking through my Google Analytics saw about 2 or 3% of visitors using smart phones but by the end of this year it has shot to over 10% so it is something very significant for 2012. How you tackle this may be a dedicated site for smart phones, an app or simply a new style sheet depending on your business, but it must be addressed.
September 17, 2012 at 9:32 am
Well into 2012 and most predictions sure did hold up.
I should add, that it may not have been the most specific and spectacular predictions… but non the less, still quite impressive.