As a longtime composer whose work has earned widespread critical acclaim, John Jesensky understands that education is a truly lifelong endeavor when it comes to music. Over the course of his lengthy professional career, Jesensky has observed countless changes to the manner in which music can be taught, particularly due to the multitude of technological advances that have been introduced in recent years.
An expert orchestrator who has also composed scores for countless films, Jesensky reviewed some of the most salient benefits associated with incorporating technology in music education, citing improvements in group instruction and time management as particularly important. The composer also indicated that the frequency and immediacy of feedback made possible by technological developments have played a significant role in improving the overall efficacy of music education.
Group Instruction
Individual instruction is typically most ideal for a musician’s development, but there are countless reasons why group instruction remains a critical component in music education. Due to the advent of several applications and programs, many of the most glaring drawbacks associated with group instruction have been eliminated or at least greatly reduced.
The most obvious had to do with the pace of instruction, as some students possess a natural inclination for music while others might struggle to develop basic music skills. In a group setting, students at either end of the spectrum would be frustrated. Fortunately, that is no longer the case with the exceptional software that is now available. These programs guide basic skill development and allow students to progress at their own pace rather than be held back or left behind.
Time Management
Software programs and applications ensure that time is used efficiently in music education, allowing teachers to develop well-rounded, comprehensive lessons for use in individual or group instruction. Technology makes it easier to check up on a student’s progress in between lessons, and students are able to collaborate and communicate with their peers with ease. Even tuning is made more efficient in the group setting due to software applications that let students immediately find out if they are sharp or flat.
During practice sessions, the incorporation of software programs and applications can help ensure that students are not reinforcing any bad habits that will have to be corrected by the teacher at a later time. This is because several applications provide instant feedback regarding rhythm, pitch, and whether or not they are playing in time.
The immediacy and frequency of this kind of feedback also sharpen the students’ ability to self-evaluate their performances with greater accuracy and precision. This contributes to the acceleration of their musical development and imbues the sense of self-confidence that is so central to ensuring future success as a musician.