Getting a brand-new phone is an amazing experience, whether you’re replacing a lost phone or getting an upgrade. As it is when you receive any new device, there are certain settings we turn on or apps we download right after turning on the phone. This is a list of 5 ways you can improve your smartphone experience from day 1.
1. Setting Up Backup
Phones have become the backbone of our lives. It stores countless messages between friends and work, photos and videos that stand as memories, and important information like birthdays or special events. So, if your phone was to experience a severe drop or faulty hardware, you stand to risk losing all that info.
To avoid this, it’s important to set up automatic backup on your phone, known as iCloud on iPhones and Auto Backup on Android. With these, there’s no need to fear permanently losing that video of you and your friends travelling abroad.
2. Configuring Privacy Settings
With us using our phones all the time, it’s important to keep the device as secure as possible. Now, phones nowadays have a dedicated privacy section in their settings that allow security options like passcodes, data sharing, etc. It’s important to set up safeguards on your phone in case it falls into the wrong hands,
VPN’s are also an option on any modern phone. With a VPN installed, you can protect data on your phone while it’s connected to the network. When traveling, it’s important to check your bank balance to make sure you’re well within budget. A VPN helps you do that on the phone with an IP address from your home country, so there is no risk of being locked out by the systems’ fraud detection. It also helps to keep your data protected in non-secure networks in unfamiliar places.
3. Use a Password Manager
While receiving a new phone is pure ecstasy, there is one part of the new phone process that is tedious and downright intimidating: Logging into all your accounts. Your e-mail, games, backup account, everything.
Getting it all done with one app is will save you a lot more time then going back and forth to log into all of your accounts. To do that, you can use a password manager that stores and encrypts your login information for websites or apps. With a password manager, the only password you need to remember is the one to get you in that app. After that, you can use the password manager to log into everything for you.
4. Protect that Screen
Newer phones are sleek yet very fragile. Although adding a case would significantly bulk it up, it’s only necessary. To protect your phone, invest in a case that is shock absorbent, or at the very least, get a proper screen protector.
Your phone’s repair costs are too premium to risk it. A slightly bulkier, but still thin phone is better than a broken phone.
5. Experiment with the New Features
Just enjoy your new phone. That’s all you can do. Try those new AR emojis that Apple and Samsung are pushing. Experiment with Samsung’s three cameras on their new S10. Use those new phone speakers to blast your music across the house.
Every revision brings something new to the table, small or large. You may not care for the features at first, but at the very least, try them first. You may find a new camera mode you enjoy more than the default.
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