Increasing traffic numbers is perhaps the main focus of web marketing. Businesses and website owners that can command greater volumes of traffic will in turn find that they can sell more and achieve better results from their online effort. But in some markets, this can be an extremely challenging ask, with high competition and entrenched rankings in Google for the optimum keywords. Regardless of the market you are in, it can be possible to build your website to a stage where you can compete for more serious traffic numbers. Even if your industry doesn’t lend itself to viral, sharable content, there are techniques you can deploy to ensure your website remains gets noticed.
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Create Engaging Content
No matter your line of business, you need to create engaging, quality content to make any serious headway in competitive online markets. Give visitors a reason to come to your site, other than simply buying from you. Websites that are more like a marketing brochure will perform less effectively than websites that inform, interest and entertain. It is all in the creativity and presentation of your content. You are the expert at what you do, so strive to deliver expert informational content, alongside your traditional marketing spiel. This will make it easier to draw traffic to your site from search engines, in addition to giving your site the chance of garnering fresh new links.
Develop A Social Voice
Social networks are now one of the most common ways in which to drive traffic online. You should look to build and nurture platforms on a range of social networks in order to achieve the best results. That means posting, tweeting, sharing and pinning on an ongoing basis, as well as engaging with other content creators and individual members of your network. This might sound like a lot of hard work for little return, but the goodwill that can be built up through developing a social voice can give you access to much larger traffic flows than might otherwise be the case – perfect for promotions, sales and other online events.
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Work On Your Online Reach
It is perfectly sensible to work on the content you create, but only if you can expand the audiences it reaches at the same time. Expanding the reach of your online marketing is important to uncovering new pockets of traffic and finding new visitors that might appreciate the content you have on offer.
Building relationships with other websites, businesses and content creators is one of the most effective ways to extend your online reach. That could be through guest posting, linking out to another site, or through a social media relationship. Either way, this kind of strategy can help take your website to new corners of the Internet, which will prove effective at driving in new visitors.
Finding traffic on the Internet is getting harder, and the competition is becoming increasingly savvy by the day. By working to build your online reach while improving the quality and nature of the content you produce, it can be possible to drive more traffic for even the most competitive of web search queries.
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July 18, 2013 at 3:42 pm
Social Media can get you great amount of traffic. Provided you are very good in optimizing with it.;)
July 21, 2013 at 12:23 am
google analytics seems to be different in above image.., it not like what i use now a days,
by the way very nice article. thanks for the same. 🙂
July 23, 2013 at 11:39 am
\”Local business listings\” one of the leading source to get good amount of traffic. Now most of the people use iphones and android phones to search and they get business listing with Name, URL and physical address. Apart from this, social media engagement one of the best way to create buzz.