Image Credit: Ryan Somma
While choosing materials for roofing purposes, most people think of going for the ones that are strong, sturdy, durable and are capable of giving total value for money.
Now we are definitely not saying that that is a bad thing. You should naturally go for the ones that are the strongest and the best of the lot, especially when your very own money’s involved. But is it going to be enough? Don’t you think you should go a step further at the very least in those choices of yours?
Yep, we are talking about going for the materials that are strong, robust, sturdy and most importantly, ECO-FRIENDLY in nature. By implementing that tactic, you’ll be doing both yourself and your environment a favor at the same time. Now that’s an honorable deed indeed.
Right, it’s time we get back to the original topic now. Let’s go through a few of the best eco-friendly roofing materials without further ado.
Cool roof
It’s also known as the white roof. Any roof exhibiting a light color qualifies as one belonging to this category.
You might ask this question like how does a simple color play such a big hand in being eco-friendly? Think of it this way:
We do know that light color (or to be more specific, we can say white) reflects most of the sun’s rays back to their source. Thus, we can easily say that the color of these roofing materials can have an immediate cooling effect on the house from the day of their implementation.
As a result, the need for air conditioning declines in such a house which, in turn comes with an added advantage of reduced electricity bills. Thus, you will be saving yourself money (pocket-friendly) and power (eco-friendly) at one and the same time. If that is not an advantage, we seriously don’t know what is.
Recycled shingles
Recycled shingles are pretty popular these days and are sometimes considered to be the “greenest” roofing materials of the lot.
Like the name suggests, these shingles are purely made from recyclable waste materials that are inclusive of things like rubber, plastic, wood fiber and so on. Most of these are made from consumer waste (i.e. home waste) and industrial waste; a practice that definitely helps a lot to reduce the stress on the environment.
Recycled shingles are durable and can give you the complete value for money. So is there something not to like? Guess not!
Metal roofs
Looking for a durable roofing material? Or are you thinking of going for one that’s both pocket-friendly and eco-friendly at one and the same time? No matter what it is, standing seam metal roofs can easily be your solution because they are strong and long-lasting on one hand and eco-friendly on the other.
Metal roofs are fire-resistant and can also help to prevent ice build-up in the winters. So it can definitely be a long-term solution for you as far as all your roofing issues are concerned.
Note: You can up the environment-friendly nature of your metal roof by going for one that’s lighter in color and made from recycled materials in general.
Clay and slate roofing
These materials have already been in use since ancient times. Clay and slate are definitely one of the most environment-friendly roofing materials available in the market.
So if you want a robust and eco-friendly solution to all your roofing issues, clay and slate roofing should be your way to go. They should also stay comfortably within your budget as far as pricings are concerned. So what are you still waiting for?
Rubber shingles
Roofing Shingles manufactured from recycled rubber also fall under our eco-friendly category.
They also cost a dime a dozen and hence, it won’t be much of a problem for you to stay within your budget, no matter how small it might appear to be. Rubber shingles also come with a 50-year warranty. So if durability’s the thing you are looking for, rubber shingles can also be your way to go.
So that’s it then. It’s time we bring this to a close. But before that, we would like to provide you with one extra bit of information: “Most of the materials highlighted above are used by the professional Calgary roofing companies for all their roofing-related solutions.”
So as far as efficiency is concerned, you can go for these materials with your eyes closed. With that, we’ll bring this article to an end. Hope you had a good read.
Liam Jason has more than five years of experience as a content developer. A web enthusiast, he has a penchant for framing content for diverse industries. He has framed content for different blogging platforms. His areas of interest include health, business, news, entertainment and home improvement. He frames informative write ups and tries to make all of them interesting for the readers.

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Rick Taylor
July 26, 2017 at 12:46 pm
Choosing a roofing material carefully is very necessary. For, that we can use the help of guide and tips which help us to find out the right roofing material as per our requirements. Thank you for sharing.
August 29, 2017 at 8:22 pm
I think people are starting to branch out more with their roofing types now. And it makes sense, too – there’s a lot of money to be saved by investing in an energy-efficient roof.
Aaron C.
September 28, 2017 at 8:39 pm
Shingles can get pretty expensive, and there are so many better alternatives out there! Thanks for writing.
Nancy Adams
October 2, 2020 at 12:56 pm
I always forget to consider how air might leak through the roof of a house. Most of the time I associate insulation with walls and I have never worried a whole lot about the roof.
Dalton Kelly
January 6, 2022 at 3:46 am
Very impressive, thanks a lot for sharing a helpful post with us.