As a marketer, you want to be able to effectively reach your target audience with your advertising campaigns. And with responsive search ads (RSAs), you can do just that. RSAs are a newer type of ad format that allows you to create multiple variations of an ad and then test those ads against each other to see which performs the best.
While traditional PPC marketing practices still apply to RSAs, there are some things you can do to optimize your campaign for this new ad format.
In this blog post, we’ll share a few RSA marketing practices that will help improve your results.
How Do Responsive Search Ads Work
If you’re a marketer, you know that one of the most important things you can do is to make sure your ads are relevant to your audience. Relevance is what makes people click on an ad, and it’s also what makes them more likely to convert. But relevance can be difficult to achieve, especially if you’re targeting a large audience or trying to reach people across multiple devices. This is where responsive search ads come in.
Responsive search ads are a type of Google ad that automatically adjusts to fit different screen sizes, devices, and contexts. As a result, your ad will be relevant no matter where it’s seen, which is vital for achieving high conversion rates. Plus, responsive search ads are easy to set up and don’t require any special coding or design knowledge. So if you’re looking for a way to improve your ad relevance, PPC marketing services can help you do just that with responsive search ads.
RSAs Best Practices and Tips
Use Multiple Descriptions And Headlines
The requirement for RSAs is to have a minimum of 2 different descriptions and 3 headlines. However, going for the bare minimum isn’t always the best idea. The best part about responsive search ads is that they let PPC marketing services test more variants than usual search ads do. Agencies can test up to 4 descriptions and 15 headlines at once. Therefore, the best practice is to aim for at least 3 descriptions and 12 headlines.
Mention Different Products Or Services In Each Headline
Google will naturally ignore your headlines and descriptions if they become too repetitive and boring. So avoid repetition in your RSAs. An excellent responsive search ad should highlight a unique product or service. PPC campaign management services use their creativity and make use of different props, offers, or calls to action to make the ad more engaging and stand out among the rest.
Avoid Keyword Stuffing
You should always use dynamic keyword insertion when adding keywords to your responsive search ads. Be sure to include at least three main keywords in the headlines. But it’s best not to include all the keywords in your headlines. If you include them, it’ll be too repetitive for Google, and some of your headlines will automatically get rejected.
Additionally, adding fewer keywords also gives you the space to highlight other service features and enables you to add value for the users.
Vary Up Description And Headline Length
One of the best practices that PPC Management Agency apply to increase the likelihood of the ad being accepted by Google is that they vary the word count of different headlines and descriptions. But that doesn’t mean you should maximize the word count with each headline. It only means that they should vary from one another.
Goggle usually tests various headlines in various positions to see which works best. In some cases, Google will only show headlines that match user queries the best depending on their keyword search and device type. This holds descriptions as well.
However, if there are any particular headlines or descriptions you want your audience to know, Google gives you the option of pinning them.
Pin Headings In A Restricted Manner
Although pinning headlines is a great way to ensure that an essential part of your ad is always shown to the audience, this can also result in Google restricting performing automatic variant testing. It also negatively impacts your RSA performance. PPC Management Services suggest that pinning one headline reduces the chance of Google testing on this particular headline by 75%.
Additional Tips For Improving Your Responsive Search Ads
- One way to improve the relevancy of your ads is to target them to specific keywords relevant to your business.
- You can also use negative keywords to exclude specific terms from your campaigns, which can help to improve your ad relevance.
- In addition to making your ads more relevant, you also need to ensure that they are well-written and persuasive to convince potential customers to click on them.
- You should also use attractive visuals in your ads, such as images or videos, which can help grab users’ attention and encourage them to click on your ad.
- You need to ensure that your ads are correctly targeted to appear in front of the right people. This means targeting them by location, demographics, interests, and other factors.
Joseph Dyson is a small business internet marketing expert at Search Berg, an award winning digital marketing firm that specializes in white label link building services, content marketing and data-driven white-hat SEO. As an online marketing and SEO aficionado, he regularly shares his thoughts and opinions on popular online publications.