What do app users usually expect from an app? A seamless UI delivers an ultra smooth UX. You have no control over the user experience because that is how users feel when they use your app. However, you do have control over the user interface, the actual driving force behind an overall mobile app experience. It all depends on how the interface of your app is, allowing users to have a neat and clean interaction with the app, in order to fulfill their needs. It might look easier to design an ideal user interface capable enough to deliver one of a kind user experience.
However, statistics say a completely different story. Surprisingly, 80% of apps are deleted right after their first use. Even worse, 90% apps are deleted within the first month of their download. With a cutthroat competition, easy approval, and a magnanimous bunch of crap apps, this ratio is evident in the case of Android, as compared to iOS whose apps are comparatively less in number due to a stringent approval process and in turn have rigid guidelines filtering only good apps out of all.
If you are an iOS developer, Apple’s guidelines are more than enough to teach you how to build ideal apps. But, if you are an Android developer, you can save your app from getting in the pothole of a bunch of mistakes.
1. Avoid integrating over the top notifications
A real-time interaction is probably the reason why people use apps. Apps respond as per user actions as if behaving like an individual. This enables them to be as smart, as any other Smartphone. Notifications are the most important components of these interactions. However, you need to have right notifications pushed towards user’s end at the right time. Many app developers or publishers make this common mistake of incorporating notifications possible everywhere, so that they pop up on user Smartphone every now and then, irritating them especially when busy with some work.
Do not go overboard by placing notifications for every single activity, and pushing them when app closed. By constantly nagging your users, you are only giving them a window to shun your app abruptly one fine day. The main purpose of a notification is to keep users updated about important pending activities within the app, so as to keep them reminding indirectly about your app. Stick to the purpose, and you are all set to go.
2. Keep it simple enough to be used by even novice users
An app is meant to solve user problems by delivering a simplified interface with basic functions installed in a way so that even grasped by first-time users. If your app is hard to use and extremely complicated to understand, then people will surely look for easier options. Apps which are not user-friendly, are sure to see uninstalls right away after downloads.
If building macro apps with too many elements and navigation; ensure that you have an interactive video or slideshow based user guide or manual; teaching users how to gradually use your app. Introducing tutorials even before users enter the app, can not only build confidence in the users but help them get into the groove early on.
3. In-app messages are a big ‘NO’ since they are distracting
Frequent pop-ups are highly distracting, as we discussed earlier. Not only the notifications should be limited and relevant to the context, but also try to avoid having too many in-app messages. In-app messages are primarily meant to understand what users want from your app, and should be in the form of asking user feedback, to improve products or services.
The timing of in-app messages is as critical as that of a notification. In-app messages should only be sent when upgrading to a new app version, installing app updates, or asking for user ratings or reviews. Time these in-app messages as soon as they occur, so that users will feel all your in-app messages to be highly relevant.
4. Assure users about privacy issues to protect them from invasion
Most applications are prone to external threats especially with hackers around, looking for an opportunity to invade your app. Users always feel insecure to give away their personal information. Hence, provide them with an assurance so that they feel confident while giving their personal information for using the app in the aptest manner.
Tell them the purpose and benefits behind why the app needs to grab personal details from users. When users realize why their personal information is vital, for optimizing app uses, they will feel contented to provide them, for a personalized user experience.
5. Signing in/Logging in issues should be resolved if any
If people have difficulty in getting into the app, they won’t even think twice before uninstalling the app. It is utmost important to get the signing in/logging in issues resolved as immediately as possible.
More importantly, ask for only relevant details, and that too once giving them thorough information regarding the app. Asking them to sign up mandatorily for using the app, will annoy them. Hence, do provide them with an option of guest login, and let them sign up only after knowing the app completely.
6. Let your app look attractive enough for trying it out
The appearance of an app is another partial key to success, in addition to the user-friendly functioning. If the app appears to be an all-rounder, from design and usability perspective, users will be left with no option, other than singing praises about the app.
If the app appears to be eye catching in terms of usability and looks, then users would be eager to check out what is in store inside. Moreover, they will spread the word among their social circles regarding the same.
7. Save the app from frequent crashing, bugs, or errors
When an app is found to have errors, bugs, or crashes too frequently, users will not only be frustrated to use the app but also tell others to avoid from using the app, decreasing your potential user base by leaps and bounds. App quality, as well as long-term sustainability, will be a big question, ultimately telling users to refrain from using the app.
Do have a strong and competent testing team in phase, including quality assurance experts as well as beta testers, to use your app and judge accordingly without getting biased. Their valuable opinions will not only save your app from multiple reiterations but also lead to a perfect app presented to the users, freed of technical flaws.
Summing up final words
The above tips are not just mere points, but actual ways to have your app become an ideal app, a user wishes for. Know how to implement them seamlessly, and see the magic yourself.
Henry Atwell is From New Jersey, USA, and has a deep rooted passion for technology. He is an Android app developer since more than three years and associated with Fusion Informatics – A Custom Android Application Development Company. He is an avid writer and often contributes to various blogs and websites.