As YouTube continues its reign as the go-to hub for video content on the internet, it’s not surprising to find a YouTube channel for every interest – even the most obscure ones. From hand-drawn explainer videos to celebrity vlogs, YouTube has it all.
But what do you look for exactly when finding channels to watch on YouTube?
Well, the best YouTube channels all have this one thing in common. It addresses the needs of their niche audience. More than just providing entertainment, they also add value to people’s lives.
So, for your viewing pleasure (and ours), here are 7 of the coolest YouTube channels you’ll find on the video streaming platform today.
1. Tasty
With over 13 million subscribers, BuzzFeed’s tasty is one of the best YouTube accounts for snack-sized viral food videos.
They basically pioneered the sped-up cooking videos that give viewers the bird’s eye view of how a recipe comes together.
Their videos are super addictive to watch because you can see the entire cooking process broken down into easy-to-follow steps.
Tasty also features all sorts of food challenges that will amaze and shock you at the same time.
Recently, the producers have started their vegan challenge. If you’re interested to know what the experience is like, you can check out their playlist here.
2. Team Coco
If you’re a big fan of Conan O’Brien and his humor, wait until you watch his staff do their thing on the Team Coco channel. The channel doesn’t just feature highlights from Conan’s late night program, it also has tons of comedic skits where the staff are the stars of the show.
There are also short travel videos where you can watch Coco try to learn about a country’s food, culture, people, and weirdly enough, sports.
3. Funny or Die
Hands down, Funny or Die is one of the most entertaining Youtube channels around!
Started by comedy Hall of Famers Will Ferrel and Adam McKay in 2007, the channel is packed with sketch comedy skits that will make you ROFL and LOL throughout your office lunch break.
Funny or Die is the only channel on YouTube that has had the likes of Zach Galifianakis, Jack Black, James Franco, and George Lopez star in its videos. It’s pretty much like watching Saturday Night Live, only funnier.
4. Colors
The Colors channel is part music and part modern art and gives you musical performances from up and coming artists singing in monochrome rooms.
Colors is unlike any other music channel as it categorizes artists by color and not musical style or genre.
What it lacks in flashy effects or animation, it definitely makes us for top-notch audio quality and artistic expression.
Still need a bit of convincing? Check out Jaz Karis performing Petty Lover for a taste of pure magic.
5. The Breakfast Club
Who would’ve thought that one of the most interesting YouTube channels is actually an FM radio station broadcasting in the New York metropolitan area?
Hosted by Angela Yee, DJ Envy, and Charlamagne Tha God, this morning show will keep you in the loop of what’s going on in the hip hop community.
It’s a show where everyone, from Bernie Sanders to Jennifer Lopez, can share their stories without worrying about public backlash.
It’s a fun platform where you can listen to interviews of your favorite urban artists and maybe get some relationship advice on the side.
6. Jackie Aina
Jackie Aina is more than just a makeup artist. She’s an advocate for beauty diversity who isn’t afraid to call the beauty industry out.
Aside from amazing makeup tutorials, she also gives honest to goodness reviews of different beauty products and brands.
What’s great about Jackie Aina is she also uses her channel to raise awareness on issues that women of color can relate to with no holds barred.
7. Binging with Babish
Ever wondered what the Ribwich from The Simpsons actually tastes like? Or what exactly a Dutch Baby from Bob’s Burgers is?
If you want to know how to make TV or movie food, then Binging with Babish is the cooking channel to subscribe to.
Of all the amazing Youtube channels you’ll find on the platform, Binging with Babish definitely tops the list with its recipes that bring foods from fiction to life. Now, you can binge on Parks and Recreation’s “The Swanson” and other fictional recipes from your favorite shows!
As you can see, Youtube is a haven for entertainment and information.
It allows publishers to deliver content in a compelling way not seen from other forms of media.
More importantly, it’s provided creators to profit from their videos while video enthusiasts can get paid to watch videos from the platform!
Either way, everybody wins with Youtube!
It’s just a matter of finding out what you want to watch as viewers. As for publishers, and as mentioned earlier, they need to find who target audience and create content specifically for them.
The examples of most entertaining Youtube channels serve as inspiration for creators to keep making videos for their viewers.
Content marketer during the day. Heavy sleeper at night. Dreams of non-existent brass rings. Writer by trade. Pro wrestling fan by choice (It's still real to me, damnit!). Family man all the time.