This page contains all the information you need to become a guest contributor on TechSling Weblog. If you have any problems after following the instructions below, simply send us an email with the contact form on the Contact page.
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Important! Make sure you have read our guidelines before registering to become a guest contributor!!!
How to submit your guest post on our technology blog:
- Register for an account here (all you need is your name and email address).
- Add your full name, complete a short profile/bio with a link to your blog/site, Twitter or Facebook account (if any).
- Visit – to link a personal photo of you to your profile for free. This is very important!
- Verify your account by confirming your registration via email.
- Contact us with a brief introduction of yourself. Do not forget to include your username in the message.
Your account will be confirmed and upgraded so you can submit your article for review.- Join our Guest Contributor Mailing List (read privacy policy).
- Write your post and save it for review online. Accepted articles will be published as soon as possible.
- Already registered? Login Here or read some of our frequently asked questions.