Many small businesses tend to waste money in several ways without even being aware of it. For instance, they set up fancy offices or put in too much cash in excessive inventory purchases. They pay out a lot of money to experts from the corporate sector hoping that it would accelerate the growth of the business. Very often such experience is not effective for the small business. Hiring PRs or an advertising firm may be a waste, as the results are not actually measurable and you are not able to hold the firms accountable for their non-performance.
Increased Productivity
It is better to put off quick tasks immediately. Suppose you need to pay bills or schedule appointments within a short time, don’t push it aside for doing later. Many small business owners waste time by putting off mundane tasks, such as sending emails, for which they need to hunt later and waste time. Many entrepreneurs also waste time in micromanaging workers. Some employees need a lot of assistance in doing their work properly and owners tend to guide them through each task. Your employees will never be able to work independently. It is advisable to let them go and at times, the best recourse would be to fire them, especially if they are slowing down your business. To ensure your business model does not suffer, you can review and hire the right people, so micromanaging is no longer part of the equation. Additionally, you can utilize peer review to ensure that the tasks are completed in time.
Accounts – Keeping Track
No business owner can be successful if he does not have a good understanding of accounts and money. Keep a detailed record of all purchases and expenses and use Mobile apps, such as Mint, in order to lower the taxable income and keep track of your finances. You can use such apps for tracking income and expenses of small businesses. Create a special professional account with data from your credit cards and other bank accounts. The software recognizes different types of expenses and you can enter your purchases to effectively manage business finances. While making purchases, look for maximum margins and keep a watch on all expenditure, teaching your employees also to do the same.
Fancy Slick Outfits
Grand ideas for fancy offices or expensive decorations for your office are things that small businesses need to avoid. You need to watch every penny you spend, especially when you are just starting out. You donât need to move into a large office with plenty of computers or fancy systems. In fact, you can even use your apartment as an office. Those who have started their business after leaving jobs might have difficulty in adjusting to cheaper travel modes and staying in smaller hotels. Small expenses such as these can add up very quickly.
Bad Advertising
Many small entrepreneurs are convinced into selling ad space. Before doing this, they must research and ascertain whether the business profile is in keeping with the publisher’s ad. When accepting such ads, never commit yourself to a long-term contract, but rather test it to see if it suits your business.
Website Development Costs
Most small businesses also waste their money in customized websites that they donât actually need. They can easily manage with template based website solutions for their sites. Customized websites are unnecessary expenditure. Start-ups who are in search of effective low cost solutions for website development have many options today. Find a low cost solution but donât sacrifice quality or flexibility. There are many web design tools available to create your site yourself, which works out cheaper than having a programmer customize your site making use of untested ideas that incur more expenditure.
Kc is a tech geek who reviews and likes to blog about tech related products , business apps and turnkey business software and related topics. Please share this post.
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October 31, 2013 at 1:04 am
While I am in agreement with the article I am especially concerned with keeping track of expenses versus income. Remember it is not how much you make, but how much you keep. Watch those expenses vigilantly, super vigilantly. Beware of the convenience of automated deductions from your accounts. While they are very convenient, they are very easy to overlook, particularly with multiple bank accounts. I know most of us want that convenience but there is something to be said for looking at how much goes out every month on a monthly basis and having to write a check rather than have the bank simply deduct it with no reminders that the money is going out. It can be a huge problem!