The good news is that people from the hospitality industry can afford to smile again. Though the US populace is still reeling under the growing rates of unemployment, but the others that are employed seem to be ready to make their tours. The rates of booking for available rooms shot up a tad towards the fag end of last year. It is up by 6.9% in 2015, which is a big statistical boost. But this is an overall statistics.
While some tour operators and hotel owners are drawing huge revenue there are others that are falling away. Americans are not touring as they used to in the earlier days. They have had to curb their expenses and budget travel has become their slogan. Even the big corporate houses are looking for budget deals, to cut down their overhead expenses. It means you can smile if, and only if, you have the right plans etched out to beat the competition. Use of call center is quite a new concept for the hospitality industry but the time has come to adopt this service.
Business Travel is Still a Prosperous Area
Whenever there is any crisis in a nation organized travel is the first sector that gets hit. But business travel has to move on. Though the spending trends are a little down, but the market is still upbeat. As per a survey by National Business Travel Association the spending trend for business houses will reach more than 40 billion in 2015. The late half of 2014 had created a positive impact on the hospitality market. If the research results and forum discussions are anything to take seriously then business travel spending is going upwards and would soon regain its former glory. As the business giants look to make the most of their sales generation opportunities, business meetings and incentive travels are increasing in number. As businesses are outsourcing work to Asian destinations, they are frequenting these nations for business purposes.
Though there is much light shown by corporate travels, but the hospitality companies are still lacking the pricing power. They are still not able to come out of the special discount models that were devised to draw corporate houses during the slump period. The lack of pricing power is helping the smaller brands lure more corporate customers, than the giants. Most of the businesses have now got accustomed to travelling with the smaller brands and they will not be motivated to move upwards unless there is something really special. This is why the giants in the hospitality industry need to provide the customers with great experiences not only while travelling but in their communications too.
Build Lasting Customer Relations with Call Center Outsourcing
The hospitality industry demands huge capital investment. So, the business owners should be glad to adopt a solution that minimizes their costs. Call center outsourcing can not only significantly reduce operational costs but offer scalability too. There are certain outsourced services that will definitely help you cater a different customer experience. These services include customer service and data analytics. But how does it happen? Let’s take a look.
Satisfied Customer Experiences
Modern customers are getting great customer services in every other business sector they deal with. This is why the use of call center for hospitality industry is essential. The customers will come to you expecting nothing but the best customer experience and you should oblige them. In the competitive environment of hospitality industry, customer service could be a factor that makes all the difference. In the present times, customer loyalty and retention should be a big part of every brand’s growth strategy. Protecting brand’s image and representing it ideally in all the communication channels is another challenge that the giants from the hospitality industry face. If a hotel has to survive in this stiff competition than the conversion rates need to go up and effective models of cross selling and up selling need to be implemented. All these changes cannot be implemented if you allow the in-house staff to handle your customers. With effective implementation of the customer relationship management best practices a hospitality company can overcome the existing challenges in the industry. Even leading researchers indicate that hospitality brands need to improve their customer facing aspects as customer retention and good customer experiences will be very important to move ahead in the industry.
The Gen Next customers are no longer satisfied with little; they want an array of options. This is why there is need for providing them support then and there. As a hospitality brand you have to keep all the communication channels covered. Voice calls and emails may be primary modes of communication, but there is nothing baring the brands from venturing into the realms of social media and chat customer support. The more they see you around, the trust factor will grow. Just being there is not relevant anymore. All the channels should be used to provide instant support to the customers. This is where the call center outsourcing companies can give you an advantage with their multi-channel support services.
Understand the Customer Needs
Price cuts are no longer an option for the hospitality industry giants. How to attract customers then? Customers will be inclined towards a brand that understands their needs and has the right packages for those. How to learn about these needs? Data analytics services from a reputed call center can help you learn the needs of customers and the gap existing in the market. There are so many channels for the customers to voice their opinion; if you could learn about all that is being said about your brand wouldn’t it be beneficial for your business? This is just what data analytics does; it takes into account all the mentions of your brand and hears the murmurs. Whether it is a positive statement or a negative one – both have their values. The positive comments can help you create a list of approachable customers. While the negative comments, when dealt with on time can help a business grow. This is the large role of business data analytics.
With the use of call center for hospitality industry, a positive customer relation and experience can be built. It can help you gain significant ground on the other brands.
Alicia Gray is an BPO and outsourcing industry analyst, and writes about technology. Currently working with one of the business process outsourcing (BPO) services provider. My role has been instrumental in assisting businesses to choose the right BPO Services. Since she has dealt with a plethora of customers during her professional life, she best understands customer relationship management, billing and oss software etc. She writes regularly on a variety of topics associated with customer service.

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Riya Lewis
June 28, 2018 at 11:09 am
Great article Alicia Gray, Learned a lot about how call center outsourcing services can help in growing healthcare industries. Thanks
February 5, 2019 at 1:49 pm
We are looking for a cloud based software solution for a small (20 condos) fractional ownership resort, with typical needs for reservations, housekeeping, maintenance, owner profiles, etc.