In today’s world, successful mobile apps generally use push notifications to increase user engagement. Remember that all it takes is one annoying message and users will start to opt-out of your notifications. What type of messages are app users open to? Ultimately, you just have to answer this simple question: will this message be welcomed by the user?
Push notifications are a powerful tool. They can be one of the best ways to utilize your mobile app in your marketing efforts.Here are some suggested types of messages which you can send to increase engagement with your push notification campaigns:
Welcome messages
Don’t be afraid to make a great first impression. Getting friendly with your users from the start can set a tone that will keep users coming back. If it takes a user more than a week to come back to your app after the first visit, there is a very high chance that the user could have been gone for good.
The moment you equip your mobile app with a welcome message, it will be a step in establishing a relationship with your users. Building relationships with your users will help them feel more motivated to use your app again. With the welcome message you will have to make sure that you use the right tone. Remember, you will only have one opportunity delivering a welcome message. Having the wrong tone may cause the opposite effect of what you had intended.
News messages
Push notifications allow you to get in front of your customer’s eyes quickly to let them know about new features, products or services. The more you can personalize these messages to the user the better received they will be. Does a particular customer buy books written by a particular author from you? Let them know when you will have the author’s new book in stock or about the release of similar books from other authors.
Notifications containing relevant news can be very effective in perking the interest of users. Additionally, they can help you judge interest before the product is released.
Reminder messages
Often users will exit your mobile app before finishing their actions, for instance, shopping carts are regularly abandoned prior to a purchases being completed. This is where a reminder message comes in.It is aimed at reminding the user to complete their course of action. This is a very important push notification that every business should equip themselves with.
When using this kind of a message, we have found it is wise to separate the users into various segments, according to their specific needs and requirements. This way, users will feel the personal attention. You will be able to assist the user, by reminding them of the activities they had last engaged in while using your app. Truth be told, users often will find it hard to remember the last activity they had in the app. This will, in the long run, improve the value of engagement within your application.
Flash sale messages
One very effective method for moving inventory quickly is through a flash sale. Flash sales usually last just a short period of time. In the past, businesses were not able to rely as heavily on flash sales since they relied on methods of communication that weren’t as immediate as push notifications. Ads and circulars take time to print and deliver and may not be read; meanwhile, emails are not always checked immediately.
Push notifications are delivered right to the lock screen of those users that have opted-in to your push notifications program of your app right when you want them to be delivered. This makes flash sales very effective. Push notifications give you a great deal of flexibility in your ability to reach out to users and be assured your message will be viewed by a large number of your app users.
Reengaging dormant users messages
Getting new customers is a hard thing to do; however, many businesses have found that retaining the loyalty of an existing customer is even harder. It calls for a continuous show of commitment. This type of message will be aimed at creating new interest in those customers who have used your app in the past but are not longer using it.
It is in our nature as human beings that we get interested in an app during its first days on our devices. However, as time goes by, we tend to lose interest in things that are not new. You will want to develop a plan of sending interesting push notifications to those customers who have not opened your app for quite some time.
When sending out this type of message you have to make sure to single out only those users who are inactive. In most cases, they will tend to have a common pattern of behavior. The moment users are classified as inactive, be swift to send messaging to entice them back.
Location-based messages
Location allows you to leverage not only your user’s digital situation but also their real life one as well. Some of the best push notifications programs involve messages that are triggered based on location. Push notifications delivered at just the right time and in the right place with a relevant message can be exceptionally powerful.
You can use location triggered push notifications to send persuasive messages to app users in the vicinity of your stores’ physical locations. Make sure you customize messages and promotions based on the users’ previous browsing and shopping history.
Transaction messages
Messages referring to a user’s transaction history add a very personal touch. It is a good strategy to update users on any changes regarding their transaction status or to alert them on the progress made so far. For instance, message them to let them know their product has been shipped.
The goal of this type of message is to increase the level of customer service offered by your brand. These types of messages are very informative and perfect for mobile apps. Additionally, these messages are easily automated.
Kimber Johnson is the co-founder of ASPEN App Design, which is a sister company of Vanity Mobile Apps and Pacific App Design. He has worked within the web development, graphics design, mobile application development, marketing and advertising fields for over 17 years.

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February 12, 2016 at 4:02 pm
It had a really great writing. thank you