When you start a business it can be easy to provide a high level of customer service. You may have one or two clients that receive your full time and attention. However, as you grow so will your client list. You will find the time you have available is eaten up and sometimes this results in a lower level of service being provided to all customers.
You can avoid letting down your customers by always paying close attention to your customer service. Here are a few tips to help you get it right and always provide a great service regardless of how busy things get.
Respond Quickly
When a customer or potential customer reaches out to you via the phone, email, social networking sites or any other method you must react quickly. If you take too much time they may well have already taken their money elsewhere and feel you are too much of a disappointment to deal with.
Have systems in place that will allow you to respond in a short time frame. Make it clear what your office hours are but have a system in place that will at least acknowledge your customers and let them know when they can expect to be directly contacted. You could have a messaging service or use automated emails. Either way, never leave a customer hanging for too long. The quicker you are the faster you’ll be able to answer questions and respond to complaints, reducing the risk of losing a client.
Take on Help
If you find you have no time to answer the calls of your clients or check your messages, you’ll be wise to hire help. You can consider hiring a virtual assistant if you have a small budget or take on in-house assistance. Consider how much you are able to afford and consider your options.
If you are finding it impossible to make all the necessary calls and write emails to your clients and get on with your work, you do need to find a solution. Hiring a VA is often very affordable, just ensure they have good references and always explain what your expectations are.
Listen to Your Customers
When possible you should ask your customers for feedback on the service you’ve provided. You could email your clients directly, request that they leave a testimonial or review, or ask them to complete a survey.
When you have any response always take time to read through the comments and pick up on any problems. Aim to focus on improving areas of weakness, regardless of how big or small they are.
Use the Latest Technologies
Technology is there for businesses to use. You can benefit greatly by ensuring all of your equipment, software and programs are up to date. If you feel your processes are slow or old fashioned there is a good chance your customers feel the same.
James writes on a variety of specialist and niche subjects such as technology, business and health etc. His recent article entry referencing block unwanted calls was well received and has been referenced many times. He consistently researches news, views and innovation in his specialised field and presents his findings and thoughts with clarity and foresight.
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Gautham Nekkanti
September 14, 2013 at 4:30 pm
Customer service is the most important aspect of online and any business.
September 14, 2013 at 7:01 pm
Hi mate !
Its always important for a business to carefully read and understand the customer’s requirements before they manufacture a product ..it would surely help to avoid the problems that you’ve mentioned in this article . Thanks for sharing the information .