A credit card is one of the most important financial instruments that can be owned by an individual. While choosing an instant credit card, we often overlook so many benefits that a credit card offers. Here’s a list of benefits that are lesser-known by a credit cardholder or an individual going to own a credit card.
Most Valuable Credit Card Benefits:
Cashbacks on Entertainment Events
Though cashback is not a unique feature of a credit card. You will get cashback almost every time you swipe your card. But one amazing benefit is that you can get 8% cashback on purchasing tickets for live sports, theatre events, concerts, and many more. Other than that, you will earn you can earn 4% on dining there.
Access to Airport Business Lounge
There are so many lesser-known benefits that a credit card offers at the airport lounge. It may provide you with drinks and snacks. A credit card offers access to some of the great but less luxurious delta clubs. Extra benefits include 5x points on hotel purchases and airfares.
Mobile Phone Insurance
We often dream of buying an expensive smartphone with those amazing brand value. Sometimes your smartphone becomes more expensive than your laptop or other gadgets too. But your credit card automatically provides a cover to mobile phones. There are so many cards that provide simple cash rewards with 1.5 per cent cash back on every purchase with no extra charges.
First Class Upgrade
Every frequent flyer wishes to get a first-class upgrade if he has access to elite status in the airline. The upgrade is determined as per the status level. It depends on how much have you paid for the ticket and when you bought it. The credit card can bridge the gap between enjoying first-class benefits and a seat in the economy.
Free Stay at Hotel
On buying three consecutive night stays at the hotel, you will get a free stay on the fourth night. This benefit will work if you are booking an inexpensive luxury stay at a hotel or resort. The owner can also get benefits on airport lounges, hotels, air travel, dining, and entertainment purchases.
Trip Cancellation Insurance
When we make plans with our friends, we quickly start booking tickets. But many a time the whole trip ends up canceling at the last moment just because of that one friend who backed out at the last moment. Therefore you should book your tickets using a credit card that will provide travel insurance. This will result in getting all or at least some of your money back. Well, the card policy and the conditions may differentiate on which the cover will be provided.
Emergency Travel Assistance
Travelling to a completely new place can be scary sometimes. You might face a situation where you have to deal with an unexpected emergency. In this case, your credit card can act as your emergency travel assistant. It will help you find a medical reference, legal support, transportation assistance along with several other services.
There are many such benefits a credit card can give you. These benefits may include cab, student credit, travel insurance, etc. a user should never forget to enjoy these perks.