Building sound relationships with your customers is a key to making your business a success. Building customer loyalty can be as important to your business as the price and quality of what you’re selling. But how do you build an enduring brand with loyal followers?
With the development of mobile technology, you can now use mobile devices to create your brand awareness amongst huge numbers of existing and prospective clients in a cost-effective way. Mobile devices can help retailers in the process of customer retention and at the same time help expand the customer base.
For some businesses, talking to a customer via a mobile device can be a difficult task. Therefore, you need to be cautious about how some of your communication habits translate to customers.
Sending a mass SMS, written in your most savvy and crisp language can reach many people. It can reach out to a large base of customers with a new product release, a new service or a promotional offer. However, while SMS marketing is a potent tool for reaching your customers instantly, it can be negatively received by consumers. A study released by Pew Internet found that most customers found text messages to be an “annoying distraction,” which is not a surprise. A lack of relevancy plays a major role in this perception.
Fortunately there is a better way to communicate with your customers via mobile devices that can help build a lasting relationship. In-app messaging can yield high engagement and increased customer retention. In-app messaging works differently than SMS or text messaging, it works by sending a message to the customer via your mobile application on the customer’s smartphone and it is a powerful way of communicating with customers as they use their smartphone.
In this article, however, we look at how in-app messaging can promote customer loyalty.
Build better customer relationships with in-app messaging
Having loyal customers can be the Holy Grail for retailers but it can be very difficult to earn customer loyalty and know if you’re doing the right thing. Customer loyalty refers to long-term customer engagement and it’s crucial to success. Yes, customer loyalty is a key to success and it can only be achieved by gaining a better understanding of customers.
Retailers can create effective in-app messaging campaigns that are targeted to promote a positive customer experience and drive engagement. Businesses can best benefit from in-app messaging if they start by understanding their customer base. This way, they will be able to provide the best in-app experience.
In-app messaging can drive action
In-app messages usually see higher interaction rates since users are already engaged with your brand via the application. Engaging your customers at the right time, in the right place, in the right way will help influence their buying decision rather than annoy them with irrelevant messages presented at the wrong time or via the wrong medium.
Your customers have dozens of apps competing for their attention on their smartphone and they are bombarded with many notifications of various types on a daily basis. Gaining their full attention, therefore, is a hard task made easier with in-app messaging.
Through in-app messaging you are getting closer to a direct interaction, and can easily remind prospective buyers about your products or other information while they are actively engaged with your brand. It allows retailers to provide up-to-date relevant information to customers, increasing involvement and encouraging engagement.
In-app messaging is less intrusive
In-app-messaging is considered less intrusive than traditional SMS since they can be delivered on the customer’s screen without interrupting their current activity. Also, unlike SMS, in-app messages will not incur additional cost.You can use them as a way to communicate with them on special promotions, special offers, and more based on the interests and activities of each individual consumer.
According to Pew Internet & American Life Project, 75% of smartphone owners use their phone to receive real-time location-based information. Retailers can use location-based marketing to alert customers about pertinent information while users are in their store. The app can even send messages to users who are using the app while in their store. According to a study by InReality, 75 percent of in- store shoppers will use their mobile devices while shopping. Offering real-time incentives when a prospective customer is checking product information or availability via your mobile app can be a great, unobtrusive way to engage customers and increase sales.
It’s easy to customize the look and feel of in-app messages
Unlike SMS, in-app messaging is not regulated by telecommunication firms and there are far fewer limitations. In-app messages are versatile and allow you to design them to flow with the look of your mobile app. This allows you to send messages that feel like a part of your brand’s user experience.
You can create short, poignant messages that resemble push notifications if you like and use them to alert customers to time-sensitive sales information or you can use your in-app messages similar to the way you would an email. They are not limited like SMS, you can use them to provide customers with an immersive experience, sharing larger amounts of information. One of the great things about in-app messages is that they can be as long or short as you need them to be and you can make them as simple or rich as you needed to properly convey your message.
Drive consumers into your store within-app messaging
Would you like to get specific information about your business or products seen by your customers while they are in your competition’s stores? If so, then in-app messaging is perfect for you and your brand. Retailers use geo-fencing to create engagement based on a customer’s real-time location. Customers that have opted-into services that let retailers to use their location are generally the most loyal customers and by being able to communicate with them at just the right time while they are in the right place can increase buying frequency and profits.
With geo-fencing, messages go out to the potential customers telling them more about your nearby store, products, specials and pricing. Let’s say one of your customers is in a competitors store down the road and checks your app for product pricing, an in-app message delivered at this time can be effective driving that customer to your store. It can dynamically change your app’s user experience, boost your advertising capabilities, and open new revenue streams, with triggered content and experiences based on your customer’s location.
Final thoughts
There are so many ways businesses can win by adopting an in-app messaging strategy. Retailers who incorporate in-app messaging as part of their mobile marketing strategy enjoy increased loyalty, new ways to collect feedback, higher customer retention, and happier customers. Remember that your strategy should start with your customers and developing an understanding of them and their interests and needs. Effective messaging programs start with the customer.
Kimber Johnson is the co-founder of ASPEN App Design, which is a sister company of Vanity Mobile Apps and Pacific App Design. He has worked within the web development, graphics design, mobile application development, marketing and advertising fields for over 17 years.