The worktop you choose creates a certain type of feel to your home, so for that reason, it is extremely important to get it right. A kitchen is a huge investment in both money and time, and you need it to last you a considerably long time, otherwise you might as well throw money down the drain, as well as saying goodbye to the precious time you spent purchasing and installing it in the first place.
As with many other parts of your kitchen, your worktop is exposed to many different substances and environmental factors, such as detergents, salt, vinegar, staining agents, and other substances, and for that reason you need to choose a material that is going to be easy to maintain, as well as being durable in the extreme, to give it a fighting chance at lasting you much longer.
These days you have many choices, and the most common are laminated, stainless steel, wood, or stone; within the stone category you have granite, marble, and quartz, and this article is really about helping you choose between those three popular options.
Any type of stone worktop is going to be durable, attractive and value for money, but which should you go for?
Granite is a hard-wearing stone which is formed from the earth’s cooled magma, and it has a unique and standout colour and beauty to it. The rock itself is patterned and it reflects the light, which makes it a very popular choice for large and light kitchens. You can choose from many different colours but granite generally has a red, brown, grey, black, or pink colour scheme, and it is very widely available, thanks to it being found all over the world.
Granite is heat and cold resistant, making it ideal for kitchens, as you can easily place hot pans onto it without worries about staining or burning. There is little porosity to be found, however, it does absorb a little liquid, so make sure you mop up any spillages quite quickly to minimise any damage. On top of this, granite is very hard and it isn’t very easily damaged, which means it will certainly stand the test of time.
Quartz is a naturally occurring stone, which is 93% natural and 7% manmade, thanks to the resins that are added to create a wide range of different colour options for customers. Quartz is quite similar to granite, but it does have slight differences. The main advantage is that quartz is much more readily available in different colours, which means it is a popular choice for that very reason, and it can be mixed and matched with various other colours, e.g. kitchen cabinets and walls.
Quartz is hard-wearing, just like granite, and is also durable. Quartz is totally non-porous and doesn’t absorb liquid at all, making it hygienic and waterproof. On top of this, quartz doesn’t need much maintenance, however, be aware that nothing is ever 100% heat proof, so caution should be taken to avoid thermal shock and cracking.
Marble is perhaps the best-known stone, and it has a very classic appearance, with bold colours and veins running through it. Pure marble is made of mineral calcite and is originally white, but comes with several impurities which can give it a grey, pink, green, brown, or black appearance. You will find a marble in many elegant rooms, e.g. stately homes etc.
Marble is best chosen for anyone who loves nature, and whilst it lasts for years, and has that timeless appearance, it does need looking after a little more. Anyone who loves baking should choose marble because of its cool temperature. Aside from this, however, marble is softer than the other two choices, and it is more porous, which means it is open to damage much easier, as well as staining.
Ceramic stone worktops UK are 100% natural and look very stylish in modern homes. These types of work surface are scratch resistant, heat resistant, and they do not absorb any liquids. Easy to clean, and easy to maintain, ceramics are low maintenance, which gives them an edge when it comes to choice.
My name is Florin and I am a full time blogger. I am digital marketing expert who loves to write about subjects that help small businesses grow their brands and increase their rankings online.