Running a small business requires a lot of work. You have to accomplish several projects on a limited budget and have no excessive money for fancy marketing and advertisement. Previously, growing your startup into a thriving enterprise was an extremely tedious task.
Because of the unprecedented digital advancements, expanding your businesses in today’s dynamic world is not as difficult. Digital marketing offers an affordable way for small businesses to improve their brand awareness and increase conversions.
If you know about digital marketing, you may already know the importance of blogging in the digital world. By adding backlinks to the blogs, you can improve your website ranking. Backlinks should be a critical component of a business’s digital marketing strategy.
If you’re considering acquiring link-building services from a company, you need be remembered that the digital world is not entirely clean. There are some grey areas of digital marketing, and if you want to protect yourself and your business from losses or, worse long-term penalties, you should keep in mind that some companies tend to deploy black-hat methods to drive traffic to their clients websites.
One of the most common and the most popular black-hat SEO strategy is that; several SEO companies build thousands of low-quality backlinks on spammy sites or publish several keyword-stuffed posts on your blog.
Earlier, these black-hat techniques worked well. However, Google and other search engines have upgraded their algorithms and may even put your website on a penalty.
White-Hat Link Building Strategies for Small Businesses
According to a survey, 63% of SEO experts believe that link building is highly effective for increasing website rankings.
Connect with Other Businesses
Building connections is the core of running a successful business. Link building allows you to build and strengthen your relationship with other businesses in your niche, connect with them, and expand your clientele.
If you run a local business, having a solid bond with your competitors will also help you promote your local store. You can meet up with other successful entrepreneurs and discuss ways to grow your businesses together by helping each other out. You can also offer referral discounts and plan marketing events together.
Guest Blogging
One of the most effective link-building strategies includes guest posting. This white-hat strategy allows you to connect and negotiate with how domain website owners in your niche and offers you an opportunity to attract valuable customers to your website. The traffic you get via guest blogging on a reputable platform, don’t just visit your website for time-pass, but they’re genuinely interested in your products and may even purchase them and leave reviews.
However, guest blogging may consume a significant portion of your time. You need to analyze the customers’ behavior on both the websites (yours’s and the target’s) and then create content that you expect them to like. In addition to this, you need to be careful about your target website’s guidelines regarding the guest blogs and follow them strictly.
Creating a High-Quality Content
You may already know that to establish the authenticity of your brand; you need to create high-quality content. However, what you may not know is that content creation also improve your ability to attract backlink. If you rank at the top of Google Search results, chances are, people will add hyperlinks to your blogs in their pieces, which will eventually improve your website credibility.
The most popular type of content for attracting backlinks is creating ultimate guides. Creating unique “ultimate guides” is extremely time-consuming because you need to do extensive research to write them. If your blog offers the new and latest information on the topic to the readers, then more and more people will link their content to yours for reference.
Try conducting surveys, market researches case studies, and polls to acquire customer viewpoints and share the findings of your studies on your website. There are two benefits of doing things. Firstly, bloggers tend to link more to the studies and research. Secondly, your research will also provide you with a better understanding of your audience. You’ll be able to tailor your content according to their preferences the next time you create content for them.
Create Infographics
Infographics work like a charm for promoting a website. All the high-domain websites accept infographic submissions if they’re legitimate and authentic and allow you to post them on their website. While posting an infographic may seem similar to posting guest blogs, the primary difference between the two is that you can offer the same infographic to as many bloggers as you want; there are no plagiarism issues involved. Offering a blogger to add your infographic to their content will be a win-win gesture towards them from your side because it’ll also help them improve their website readability.
Joseph Dyson is a small business internet marketing expert at Search Berg, an award winning digital marketing firm that specializes in white label link building services, content marketing and data-driven white-hat SEO. As an online marketing and SEO aficionado, he regularly shares his thoughts and opinions on popular online publications.