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Tweets Double to 20 billion In Less Than Five Months

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A Twitter user has sent the 20 billionth tweet on the micro-blogging site. The tweet was sent at 1544 GMT by a Tokyo based graphic designer, GGGGGo_Lets_Go, last Saturday. Even more remarkable is the fact that it took Twitter four years to reach its 10 billionth tweet, in March 2010, however, it has taken less than five months since then to double that number.

The sudden surge in number of tweets could be as a result of new users joining en masse, Twitters recent partnership with the likes of Yahoo! or its popularity in Asia and America. For example, Twitter users in Japan are believed to send almost 8 million tweets every day, which is second only to the United States.

Further signs of Twitters recent success can be seen in their decision to open the company’s first dedicated data centre, in Utah, in a bid to prevent service overloads as usage increases particularly in peak periods.

Talking Point

Could Twitter ever become as successful as Facebook?

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  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Tweets Double to 20 billion In Less Than Five Months

  2. Domain name registration

    August 3, 2010 at 9:38 am

    This is a nice development for twitter, I hope they continue to increase in this fashion.

  3. Forum RPG

    August 7, 2010 at 4:39 am

    Wow…people have no lives…tweeting every little thing you do.

  4. Jim Olenbush

    August 28, 2011 at 2:09 pm

    Well, twitter is successful and it’s pretty popular nowadays. It’s way different from Facebook and i think that’s the reason why it succeeded. However, there’s Google launched it’s social networking sites and it’s called Google plus. I’m wondering if it would be as much as successful as Facebook.

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