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How to Keep Your Mac Hard Drive Clean and Tidy

So many apps, so little time
Image by shadowtech via Flickr

Just like any other electronic device, Mac computers need to be maintained and got rid of clutters lodged in the hard disk drive regularly. Many times most of this muddle is caused by the accumulation of old and unwanted files, logs or programs that tend to stick around even after upgrading the operating system (OS).

Whilst your computer can continue operating with little or no signs of cluttering, it may also run out of space sooner than expected or slow down the overall performance of the system during backups, regular scanning or even while performing basic tasks. There is no reason to visit a Mac repairs service operator when such incidents could have been avoided all along hence the importance of performing regular cleaning tasks on your Mac.

Finding Clutter

Although there are many possible hide outs for unwanted files and programs, many tend to stick around the personal and system-wide Preferences (/Users/username/Library/Preferences and /Library/Preferences) folders which stores a ‘preference file’ whenever you download or run a new program. Another hot spot for unwanted files is the Application Support folders which could store redundant support files such as those created when items are dragged to the Trash folder.

Removing Clutter

Totally clearing out unwanted files could be a tricky task at times. There are a number of independent uninstallers in the market such as, AppZapper, CleanApp and Rutger Skupin’s Chipmunk, that can clear out unwanted files and programs including redundant support files described above, however, a complete back-up is recommended before using any removal utility. However, the more reliable option, while trying to remove unwanted programs, is to use the uninstallers that came with the application itself which can either be found in the program folders or original installation disc.

Talking Point

How do you get rid of clutter on your Mac or PC?

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  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention How to Keep Your Mac Hard Drive Clean and Tidy

  2. Laptop Price

    May 23, 2010 at 10:06 am

    wow..thanks..i just discovered those hidden files in my machine..need to clean it up..
    .-= Laptop Price´s last blog ..Laptop Price =-.

  3. Domain name registration

    May 24, 2010 at 10:25 am

    Clutters are unwanted files and programs that must be remove from system to get a better performance. I this post we help lots of people on how to remove clutter from there system.

  4. Pingback: Cleaning the Drives of your Mac

  5. DiscOutlet

    February 6, 2011 at 5:45 am

    This is a great bit of information. Thanks for the post. It has been vey helpful.

  6. Darin Cunningham

    August 7, 2011 at 7:00 pm

    As macs do not require as much cleaning as PCs, it is essential however to do it once in a while. I normally use a mac cleaning or a mac defrag software. This allows me to defrag my mac automatically.

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