Effective PPC advertising is heavily reliant on the validity of the initial market research conducted. This research can utilize the analytics tools offered by Google, Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter in order to make sense out of an almost dizzying amount of user data. In truth, successful local social media marketing and PPC marketing campaigns might be more closely related than many initially realize. What’s the correlation? A strong social media presence across platforms can give marketers the big data and data analysis tools needed to launch highly effective PPC campaigns. However, According to https://www.searchbloom.com/ppc-management/, what many people don’t know is just how difficult it is to set up and manage a PPC campaign effectively. Here are some tips to help you along the way.
Top PPC Tips for Facebook
Facebook is an ideal platform for targeting personas, and precise targeting is serendipitously the best feature of social PPC. Whereas Facebook is most commonly used for B2C marketing, B2B companies can utilize the platform to build meaningful personas about others, specifically their direct competitors. It is important to target competitors in both B2B and B2C social advertising campaigns as ads can be specifically crafted for audience members that like or follow direct competitors. If you have a B2C audience, it’s essential to engage in marketing and brand promotion efforts that are extremely targeted. Take a more active approach than sitting back and waiting for an engaged audience to emerge. Once you’ve used Facebook custom audiences to target a group, try reaching out to those who have engaged with your campaign by contacting them directly via email, Facebook user IDs, or phone.
Best Remarketing Tactics
Social media and PPC can be used for retargeting purposes. Although this tactic is frequently overlooked, numerous groups can be retargeted from analytic data. A prime example of a customer that could be effectively retargeted is consumers that have abandoned shopping carts recently. Sometimes, consumers need a little extra brand exposure and a gentle nudge to successfully convert to happy customers.
Offer similar advertising and marketing tactics that attracted the consumer group initially, and utilize strategies that are likely to work in order to nurture them to conversion.
Capitalize on Social Proof
Google+ allows businesses to include a social extension on advertisements that display the number of endorsements received as well as reviews for a specific company. Leverage social proof that has already been gained for optimal results. In many ways, this approach to integrated marketing can offer a stronger value proposition in a simple PPC advertisement.
Also, display Facebook likes on landing pages. Research suggests that social proof from likes on Facebook influences sales by a surprising percentage. Landing pages with 2,000 or more likes demonstrate up to 30% higher conversion rates than other landing pages. Local social media marketing campaigns take time and resources to build. Utilize existing resources from social media sites to drive sales and conversion rates.
Takeaway Points For Marketers
Online marketing is increasingly integrated. It is wise to leverage a strong social media presence on PPC advertisements and landing pages to stay a step ahead of the competition. Also, remember the following:
- Engage in social media initiatives in order to build an engaged base of followers.
- Use social media to identify targeted personas for direct competitors.
- Leverage social media influence to produce superior results from PPC advertisements.
Internet marketing is becoming less of a series of fragmented entities. Instead, it is a conglomerate of different marketing tools that can easily interface with one another to produce superior results and superior returns.
For nearly three decades, Chris Marentis, founder and CEO of Surefire Social, has been responsible for driving innovation and sales growth for large media and e-commerce brands as well as start-ups. With a long-history of counseling local businesses about their marketing efforts, Marentis provides insight on what it takes for small businesses to succeed and thrive in today’s evolving digital environment. His notable career includes creating the foundational blueprints for online marketing, e-commerce and content branding for AOL's Interactive Marketing group, where he served as Senior Vice President. While CEO of Clearspring Technologies, Marentis developed one of the most widely adopted venture-backed Web 2.0 technology platforms. Marentis is a frequent speaker at local digital marketing conferences and a contributor to SMB and technology-focused publications.

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March 24, 2014 at 12:41 pm
Nice article
I never thought about PPC for Facebook before, this inspires me a lot.
thanks for your sharing.
Chris Marentis
March 24, 2014 at 1:41 pm
Stephan, if you like the idea of using Facebook for PPC, you may want to try using Power Editor for Facebook (it really increases your targeting abilities). Slide 20 in this presentation shows you how to get started on it: http://www.slideshare.net/SurefireSocial/feb-webinar-final-ppt
Best of luck!
March 26, 2014 at 10:31 am
Facebook is the great medium for generating PPC leads. There are much failure in this field. So all things should be done cautiously.