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Does CommentLuv Really Increase Site Traffic?

commentluv-wpSorry to disappoint you but today’s post is not about the origin or history of April Fools’ Day. Once in a while I try to test one or two programs or products so as to form a personal opinion and this month my experiment is going to be on the CommentLuv plug-in. Unfortunately, I cannot call this article a CommentLuv review just yet as I yet to reach a verdict.

The CommentLuv plug-in was designed to reward and encourage blog readers who leave comments on WordPress, Blogspot or Blogger blogs (CommentLuv is now available as an IntenseDebate plugin) to return by automatically adding a titled link to their last blog post at the end of their comment. Although I have heard a few times that the plug-in increases the number comments and daily visitors on a blog, I am yet to be convinced. Therefore, I will begin a one-month mission to find out myself if CommentLuv really does spread the love or whether it will only increase the amount of spam comments on this blog. I hope  at the end of the day, my result will tend towards the former rather than the latter.

Strategy. I will use a very simple and straightforward technique which involves making note of the number of comments I have received on my blog in the past month and comparing it with the number of comments obtained at the end of April. If the result shows a significant increase in the number of visitors or comments received, I can assure you that CommentLuv will be a regular feature on this Weblog otherwise the plugin will be removed accordingly.My verdict will be posted as an update on this article on May 2.


The results are ready and you can read it here.

Talking Point

Can you predict my verdict?

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