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Commercial Ice Machine Rental: The Right Choice for Your Business

Discover why commercial ice machine rental services are the right choice for food businesses.

Our love for food and good taste has kept the food industry flourishing. Today, we see many new restaurants and bars appearing in cities and towns. However, the growth in the food industry also requires additional investments to keep pace. While restaurants strive to meet the rising demands of customers, the demand for food storage and ice machines has skyrocketed. To cope with the increasing demand, food businesses have to invest heavily in purchasing and maintaining storage devices. In recent years, restaurant equipment rental has become a popular option, particularly for ice machines and water dispensers. Commercial ice machine rentals have become a viable option for businesses in many ways. Scroll down to discover why commercial ice machine rentals are the right choice for your business.

Why Ice Machine Rentals?

Consumers expect a cold and well-presented beverage with fancy ice. This is why ice is a must-have in any restaurant, café, or bar, and running out of ice is simply not an option. Here are some reasons why the benefits of commercial ice machine rentals outweigh those of purchased machines:

Ice Machine Rentals Need a Smaller Investment

Food businesses need a commercial ice machine either through an ice machine rental program or a purchase. However, when you buy an ice maker for your food business, you need heavy investment and consistent maintenance. A purchased ice machine costs you more than an ice machine rental. This is because when commercial ice machines are frequently used, they must be regularly serviced. This means you must train your staff to perform regular maintenance and operate the machine properly. A commercial ice machine can stop functioning if the staff mishandles it or fails to maintain it. The additional maintenance and upkeep expenses are added to the extra care, efforts, and cleaning and servicing machine skills. Getting a commercial ice machine rental service can be an inexpensive and hassle-free way to serve chilled beverages to your customers.

You Get to Pick a Brand of Your Choice

The ice machine manufacturing industry is currently worth over $963 million. The huge variety of ice machines manufactured in the US is not only available for purchase, but ice machine rentals also offer a range of brands and models to choose from.

Each brand has specific models with varying production capacities, ice shapes, and sizes. If you purchase an ice machine, you may get caught up with a machine that doesn’t fulfill your daily requirements. Renting a commercial ice machine can be a lot easier in this case. If a machine doesn’t meet your needs, you can easily replace it with another. You also get to choose from a list of brands they offer.

You save money on extra maintenance costs

Purchasing an ice machine is more expensive when it comes to additional maintenance costs. Commercial ice machine rentals like LA Ice Machine offer maintenance and upkeep services. Without regular maintenance and upkeep, your machine may encounter various problems that affect your business. With commercial ice machine rentals, you can save a lot on maintenance expenses. Here are some of these additional costs :

Regular Preventive Maintenance and Upkeep

Ice machines require regular maintenance. Performing preventive maintenance on your ice machine involves cleaning it and checking or replacing its components to ensure it lasts longer. A skilled ice machine technician from the ice machine rental service is readily available to check your ice machine for any technical issues. Depending on the environment, your ice machine rental service provides a thorough ice machine service bi-annually.

Bi-Annual Deep Cleaning

A dirty ice machine cannot be as productive as a clean one. Since dirt and other particles accumulate inside the ice machine, it causes the ice machine to heat up or work harder to maintain a certain temperature, resulting in irregular-shaped ice cubes or ice melting inside the machine. The longer the dirt stays inside, the bigger the problem gets. Eventually, it results in the components breaking down. Dirt particles inside the ice machine also contaminate the ice and create a strong and unpleasant odor in the ice. Ice machine rental services offer deep cleaning twice a year or before the peak summer season starts. The benefit of hiring deep cleaners from the same rental service is that the technicians are fully aware of the cleaning process, and they follow a standardized procedure to remove dirt and other particles from the commercial ice machine.

Changing Filters

A commercial ice machine water filter will extend the life of your ice machine. Filters prevent dirt particles and minerals from collecting in your ice maker and protect it from scaling. When there is an excess of scale in water filters, it affects the inflow of water, resulting in low water flow and slower ice production.

When you own an ice machine, you need to keep a close check on when to change water filters. The lack of knowledge and expertise in changing water filters may damage the ice machine. With commercial ice machine rentals, you’re free from the worry of changing water filters, as the rental service will do it for you.

Repairs for Ice Machines

Hiring a technician to repair your purchased ice machine can be expensive. There will be problems with even the most well-maintained ice machines. If you don’t maintain your ice machine, it will require frequent repairs and may require replacement sooner than expected. Commercial ice machine rentals, on the other hand, take complete responsibility for the machine’s repair.

Commercial Ice Machine Rentals in LA

Commercial ice machine rentals are undoubtedly more viable than purchasing an ice machine for commercial use. If you’re looking for a credible ice machine rental service in LA, LA Ice Machine is a perfect choice for your business. LA Ice Machine is a commercial ice machine rental service that offers commercial ice machine rental services in LA with 24/7 customer support. They also offer reliable warranty and repair services for commercial ice machine rentals. Contact them for more information or request a quote today.

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