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Benefits of Whiteboard Videos for Educational and Business Purposes

In today’s world, videos have become an essential tool in education and business. With the rise of online learning and remote work, the use of videos has increased significantly. One type of video that has gained popularity in recent years is the whiteboard video. Whiteboard videos use animated graphics and hand-drawn illustrations to visually represent ideas and concepts. They have become an effective way to communicate complex information engagingly and interactively. Let’s explore the benefits of whiteboard videos in both educational and business contexts.

Benefits of Whiteboard Videos in Education

Whiteboard videos have numerous advantages when it comes to education. One of the most significant benefits is improved retention and understanding of information. Studies have shown that the use of visuals in learning can increase retention by up to 65%. Whiteboard videos allow educators to create visual representations of concepts, which can help students understand and remember them more easily.

Whiteboard videos increase engagement and interactivity in the learning process. Unlike traditional lectures, whiteboard videos can incorporate animation, sound effects, and music to make the learning experience more dynamic and enjoyable. Students can also interact with the video by pausing, rewinding, or fast-forwarding as needed. This feature allows students to learn at their own pace, which can be especially helpful for those who require more time to process information.

Whiteboard videos are also versatile, accommodating different learning styles. Some students learn better through visual aids, while others prefer auditory or kinesthetic learning. Whiteboard videos can incorporate all three types of learning styles, making them accessible to a wide range of students.

Whiteboard videos offer accessibility and convenience. Students can access these videos from anywhere at any time, as long as they have an internet connection. This feature is particularly helpful for students who are unable to attend physical classes or who require flexible learning schedules.

Benefits of Whiteboard Videos in Business

Whiteboard videos are not just useful in education; they also have many benefits in business contexts. One of the most significant advantages of whiteboard videos in business is their ability to effectively communicate complex ideas and concepts. Companies can use whiteboard videos to explain products, services, or processes in a way that is easy to understand for their customers or employees.

Whiteboard videos have been shown to have higher engagement and conversion rates in marketing. Unlike traditional advertising, which can be seen as intrusive and annoying, whiteboard videos offer an entertaining and informative experience for viewers. This engaging approach can help companies stand out from their competitors and increase brand awareness.

Whiteboard videos can also be a cost-effective way to train and onboard employees. Companies can create whiteboard videos to teach new employees about company policies, procedures, or new products. This method of training can save time and money compared to traditional training methods, such as in-person training sessions or printed materials.

Whiteboard videos offer an opportunity for businesses to enhance their branding and storytelling. Companies can create whiteboard videos that tell a story or convey a message that aligns with their brand values. This approach can create an emotional connection between the company and its customers or employees, which can lead to long-term loyalty and success.

Best Practices for Creating Whiteboard Videos

To create effective whiteboard videos, there are several best practices to follow.

  • Develop a script and storyboard: This process involves planning out the content, visual aids, and timing of the video. A well-written script and storyboard can help ensure that the video is clear, concise, and engaging.
  • Visuals and animation: Whiteboard videos should incorporate hand-drawn illustrations and animations that are relevant to the content being presented. The visuals should be simple, clear, and visually appealing.
  • Voiceover and Sound Effects: The voiceover should be clear, easy to understand, and engaging. The voiceover artist should have good diction and intonation. The tone of the voice should match the content presented in the video. For instance, if the video is about a serious topic, the voiceover should be more formal and professional. Sound effects and music can also be used to enhance the whiteboard video. Sound effects can be used to highlight important points, while music can be used to create a particular mood or tone.
  • Editing and post-production techniques can be used to improve the quality of the whiteboard video. The editing process involves cutting and arranging different scenes to create a coherent narrative. Post-production techniques can be used to add special effects, color grading, and other elements that enhance the video’s quality.

Tools and Resources for Creating Whiteboard Videos

Creating whiteboard videos does not require extensive technical skills or expensive equipment. Many software and platforms are available that make it easy for beginners to create professional-looking whiteboard videos. Some popular whiteboard video creation programs include VideoScribe, Doodly, and Explaindio.

There are also many tutorial resources available online that can help beginners learn how to create whiteboard videos. These resources provide step-by-step instructions and tips for creating engaging and effective videos. Additionally, many websites offer royalty-free electric guitar brands that rock the music world with music, sound effects, and graphics that can be used in whiteboard videos.

Case Studies and Examples of Whiteboard Videos in Action

Numerous educational institutions and businesses have leveraged whiteboard videos to enhance their learning and marketing strategies. For example, the Khan Academy, a non-profit organization that provides free educational videos, uses whiteboard videos to explain concepts in math, science, and other subjects. The use of whiteboard videos has helped the Khan Academy increase engagement and retention among its students.

In the business world, Dropbox, a cloud storage company, uses whiteboard videos to explain its products and services. The videos offer a fun way to showcase the benefits of using Dropbox. This approach has helped Dropbox increase brand awareness and customer loyalty.

Another example is the RSA, a UK-based organization that uses whiteboard videos to explain complex topics such as economics, politics, and social issues. The RSA’s whiteboard videos offer an engaging and entertaining way to educate viewers on important topics.


Whiteboard videos offer numerous benefits for both educational and business purposes. They are an effective way to communicate complex ideas and concepts engagingly and interactively. Whiteboard videos that are engaging and interactive can improve retention and understanding of information, increase engagement and interactivity, accommodate different learning styles, and offer accessibility and convenience.

To create effective whiteboard videos, it is important to follow best practices, such as developing a script and storyboard, selecting appropriate visuals and animation, using a clear and engaging voiceover, incorporating sound effects and music, and using editing and post-production techniques. Many software and platforms are available that make it easy for beginners to create professional-looking whiteboard videos.

Numerous educational institutions and businesses have leveraged whiteboard videos to enhance their learning and marketing strategies. These examples showcase the potential of whiteboard videos for improving communication and engagement in a variety of contexts.

Excerpt: Whiteboard videos are an effective tool for both educational and business purposes. They utilize hand-drawn animations and illustrations to create a visual narrative that enhances engagement and understanding. By following best practices and using available software and platforms, anyone can create professional-looking whiteboard videos to improve communication and engagement in a variety of contexts.

Written By

Komal Kokate is the Co-Founder & CEO of MotionGility - An Animated Explainer Video Production Company based out of Pennsylvania, USA. Her areas of expertise include business development and explainer video production. With her disciplined attitude and knack for creativity, she and her team have delivered result-oriented and winning videos to hundreds of clients globally.

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