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5 Tips for Documenting your Vacations

Going on a vacation is an unforgettable experience, especially if you do it with your family and friends. Even on your own, it can also be rewarding! To make the precious memories last forever, you have to document your trip. How is this possible? Keep on reading and learn from some of the tips we will be sharing.

Bring a High-Quality Camera

This is perhaps the most important when trying to document your holidays. Consider a camera rental in NYC if you want to save money. It is not necessary that you buy brand new. With the right gear, you will be able to capture photos and videos that are sure to last a lifetime. However, since most of you are probably just hobbyists, choose one that is user-friendly.

Looking for the perfect place to rent a camera to bring in your travel? BorrowLenses has got you covered!

Take Down Notes

When it comes to vacation documentation, most people will immediately think about photos and videos. However, another good way to make the memories stick with you is to jot down notes. A travel journal is essential to have with you all the time. This is especially perfect for those who feel comfortable writing down how they feel. If there is anything special that happened during the day, take note of it. In the future, when you read the notes, it will be fun reminiscing the experience you had.

Collect Postcards

You can send postcards to your home or you can just buy some and bring it. Choose those with photos of the sites that you have already visited. If you have the time and if you are creative, DIY postcards will also be great. Think about the different ways of displaying travel postcards at home. This way, you will not only be able to document your trip, but you will even be able to show it off. This is a good conversation starter when you have guests coming over.

Make a Scrapbook

Once you are done traveling, put your creativity into the test by making your own scrapbook, which should contain memories from your trips. During your vacation, try to collect as many mementos as possible, including tickets and even receipts. You can also print some photos and include them in your scrapbook. Looking at the scrapbook will instantly paint a smile on your face as you remember your vacation.

Go Online

In this digital age, this is perhaps the best way to document your vacation these days. Start by creating an Instagram account where you can share your travel photos and videos to the public. A blog can also be a good idea. This will provide an electronic platform to share to the world your adventure. A blog is not only for documentation, but it also presents the potential for income.

It is not every day that you get to travel. With this, once you have the chance, have it documented so that you will forever remember the good time you had!

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