App usage is on the rise, with Smart Insights reporting that in April 2018 app usage, 90% of the time, dominated browsers in mobile usage, with more than 80% of mobile minutes in all markets being spent in apps. There is no denying that we are a nation on the move. We want information in real time and at our fingertips, because of this, it is essential that businesses keep up with the demands of consumers and create apps that are easy and quick to use. The word usability refers to how easy something is to use. Having a better app usability is extremely beneficial, consumers are more likely to recommend the app to others as being an easy way to shop, therefore, increasing your customer base. More importantly, an easy-to-use app means that users are more likely to convert by making a purchase or making an enquiry.
Developing an app that is effective in terms of its usability, retains customers and improves conversions can be a very tricky and time-consuming process. We’ve put together the five top tips to help you improve your apps user experience to lead to those all-important conversions.
Photo by Rahul Chakraborty on Unsplash
The basics
First of all, it is extremely important to nail the basics, and by basics, we are referring to whether your app is readable for your users. If users can’t see what is on their screen then they simply can’t use your app and will give up very quickly! Text that is too small or too large, elaborate fonts that are hard to read or text that is squeezed together in a small box are all frustrating for a user. They will end up having to try to make sense of what is on their screen rather than getting on with browsing and purchasing. Why would you shop on an app that is hard to understand and even harder to reach the end goal when you could simply use a competitor’s app that has a clean layout and a smooth buying process? Also, be sure to choose the colours that you use carefully. Light text colours can be hard to see against a like background or dark text against a dark background.
Incorporating great usability into your app can also increase speed and convenience for your users. As mentioned previously, people today want information instantly and they expect technology to be hassle-free and convenient to use, therefore, your application must serve this. If a user is required to enter their card details or a telephone number then have the app automatically change the keyboard into a keypad with numbers so that checkout is quicker. You can also give users the option to save their information so that they don’t have to enter it again should if and when they return.
Speed can also have a huge impact on whether or not your app is deemed to be convenient by users. Nowadays, wherever a user goes there is access to the high-speed internet which only serves to increase their expectations. Reducing loading time will help to keep users on your app. According to research, if it takes an app longer than six seconds to load then the majority of users will abandon their search and go elsewhere, effectively putting money in the pockets of your competitors.
Goal Funnelling
Knowing the overall goal of the users that visit your app is crucial to improving its usability. It may be that you run a car dealership where users could come to your app to buy, sell or receive a car finance quote. Whatever it is, understanding that there are several functions or uses for your app is paramount to its design and user experience. Having just one functionality, such as ‘buy a car’ prominent on the home screen will cause users to want to sell their car or receive a quote to exit the app. An app with good usability should have all three options displayed in equal measure for users to choose from.
Ensure that you provide the user with a choice to perform an action or opt out of it. There is nothing more frustrating than an app that gives you no other option but to carry out the action or have to exit the app. For example, if a user doesn’t want to make a donation or subscribe to a newsletter, there should be an option to opt out of this function otherwise it can lead to frustrations.
If you want to develop a mobile app or already have one but don’t have the in-house resources to implement the above changes then you can consult a mobile app development firm with the knowledge and expertise to help set your app apart from the competition and win conversions.