Every business is usually concerned about managing money because keeping your finances in order is very important. Improper management of funds directly impacts on your business productivity and growth. However, financial management involves planning, organizing, controlling and monitoring financial resources to achieve business goals.
Well, financial management is very confusing and complicated has become a common notion in the mind of every business owner. To make this process easy, following are some tips to manage the finances of small businesses efficiently:
Preparation of Financial Reports – Preparing financial statements is an essential part of a successful business because accurate financial reports represent a real picture of how your business is performing in the market. Your report will provide all the information that how much your business is worth, how much money you are spending, how much money you are earning and a lot more.
Moreover, it also helps you to take better business decisions.
Separate Personal and Business Finances – Must keep your business and personal finances different. Always keep your business bank account, credit card, debit card separates from your personal account. It will help you to track your business-related transactions easily. It will also control cash flow and prevent business from cash-based fraud.
Accounting Software – Accounting software provide the benefit to access your financial data anywhere at any time. Accounting software like QuickBooks, allows you to store, update, track and access data quickly.
Monitor & Measure Performance – You must monitor and measure financial reports frequently or once a month to track the financial health of your company. A little knowledge of accounting is useful to understand the finances of your business. Always keep an eye on your company’s financial performance such as revenue, expenses and cash flow.
You can also hire outsourced financial reporting services to become more familiar with the business’s finance without any efforts.
Tax Planning – Plan tax installments according to your earnings. You can make payments quarterly or monthly.
Accounts Receivable and Collection – Are you facing problems to receive from your debtors? There are clients everywhere those are late on payments. Payment collection failure is the main reason for business failure. You need to make a change in the billing process, offer a discount on early payments or provide an option to pay in installments.
Pay Yourself – You are a business owner; it does not mean you can’t pay yourself. Your salary ensures that your expense is separate from business expenses. Fix a salary for yourself; it will help in tax deduction.
Hire an Expert – Every business owner seek help to make their business successful. Preparing financial reports will take a lot of time. So you can hire a financial reporting expert to manage your financial records and analyze how your business is performing financially.
Whether it is payment for a current year or tax planning for the coming year, the expert will guide you. Experts will let you stay away from unnecessary stress and save your valuable time.
Tracy is an accounting expert at Accounting To Taxes. She has always been a great contributor to the accounting industry as she handles the accounting processes of small and medium businesses worldwide, for years. And being a passionate writer as well she helps businesses with her informative articles.

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Krishna Gollamudi
October 7, 2018 at 2:38 am
I liked the article. It is short and simple. I own a small business myself and the above-mentioned points do sound lot familiar. Want to add just one point that small businesses can use accounting software like WaveApp which are free and have pretty much all the functionalities that QuickBooks offer. Also, I have written a similar article on my finance blog.