There has always been a relationship between the application makers and consumers. While the application makers struggle to produce the best, consumers on the other hand have not lagged behind, they always try tirelessly to identify and obtain the best applications in the market.
In the automotive industry, applications have various uses. From those that assist in tracking fuel consumption to those that help in general performance of the car, applications will stay to bring significant impacts in the industry.
Below are 10 of the best automotive applications that every car owner will find useful.
With only $12.99, a person will be able to keep a vehicles performance history or even keep a log for comparison later. This is made possible by the dynolicious application. The application also grants the opportunity of displaying the performance of a vehicle by posting those results in social networking sites like facebook and twitter. The application is a favorite of many, this is confirmed by the positive reviews portrayed in automotive publications like Car & Driver, Road & Track and even the New York Times.
This ranks the second and it goes for $0.99. It is the tool you need to keep an eye on fuel consumption of even more than one car at the same time. It has the ability to rate fuel usage in miles per gallon and liters for every 100 kilometers.
It is also referred to as ‘Rev’. It is a unique one since a person can obtain its services for free or after foregoing $ 39.99. It assists in displaying real time information on the iPad or iphone with the help of an accessory cable. The vehicle’s internal computer is a requirement for it to function best.
DMC Speedometer
The working of this application resembles that of the De lorean speedometer. It works with the GPS to reveal real speed. It costs $0.99.
Garage Buddy
Its name is suggestive, it produces a virtual body in a garage thus giving some hints on actions to take. It gives the user an opportunity to have a general breakdown of the car thus carry out some evaluations for fixing some issues. It goes for $0.99
Fuzzy Car
With the assistance of a Wi-Fi OBD-2 scanner, which is obtained separately, it helps in decoding the errors that are produced by the check engine and other troubleshooters. On the other hand, it is an essential tool for measuring efficiency in terms of factors like fuel consumption. To obtain this application, you only need $4.99
Fuzzy Codes
Perhaps you bought a Wi-Fi OBD-2 scanner that may not be compatible with the fuzzy car. You need not to worry because, the fuzzy codes will enable you to fix those issues. It is actually part of the fuzzy car application. It costs nothing.
It utilizes the iphone’s accelerometer to provide services like measuring the distance covered, velocity among others. One unique feature about this application is that it can display your speed in the ¼ mile. It costs $8.99
iCar Application
Provided that the car has a GPRS, this application will use the GPRS to give the location of the vehicle. It can even send information about the location of a vehicle by email. This is very helpful in case one has lost a car or in situations where a car cannot be located e.g. in a parking space. It is a free application.
iSpeedCam World
For only $2.99, personalities who obtain this application will benefit from the following.
- Gps tracking
- Alerts for speed traps
- Traffic camera
The list is not exhaustive; drivers will have the opportunity to edit the application according to their driving requirements.

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January 30, 2013 at 12:00 pm
A cool list , but fuzzy car is my personal favourite.
January 30, 2013 at 2:43 pm
Tell the truth I’m so absant-minded on the road that I have to be concentrated only on driving rather than some apps(( but the list is cool. thanks, will keep it in mind when I kill my inadvertenceю
January 31, 2013 at 7:29 am
I like the Gas Buddy App because it finds the nearest cheap gas station & Drive safe App. You have shared some good Apps which covers a wide range of features and functions. , had no idea about it, thanks a ton.
Anele Ivanova
February 26, 2013 at 1:48 pm
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Anelie Ivanova
April 20, 2013 at 6:18 pm
Fuzzy car and Fuzzy codes are looking good. I don’t own an iPhone so I don’t have much info about these app.