In the grand scheme of trying to catch up with the digital revolution that takes place, one of the major elements that many businesses tend to forget is the maintenance of their websites. If you look at websites and their very scope, you can understand that the website is the face of a business online and hence assumes greater importance than a business might endow upon it.
In a nutshell, your website is the cornerstone and the foundation upon which all your other allied-online business pockets have been built upon. If at all you observe any unusual trends on various website matrices such as bounce rate, less conversion and more abandoned carts for eCommerce sites, chances are your website has a role to play in it.
This brings us to the most important question of today’s discussion; is it important to maintain your website and why?
The simplest answer is, yes; and the why aspect of it is more fascinating.
Why should you maintain your website?
Better user experience
Perhaps the most important reason of all to regularly maintain your website is user experience—to make your visitors and users seamlessly interact with your website in the best way possible. Technologies, which can make your website offer excellent value to your users, are released every now and then. And if you don’t take advantage of the same your competition will. So it is only befitting that you maintain your website in the best possible manner to keep your visitors and users impressed with the usability of the service.
Keep up with SEO
Though many think SEO to be a dead horse, the opposite is actually true. The SEO value of your website still regards for your natural SERP ranking and your PPC quality scores along with many others. As the case is, it is really important that you maintain your website to search for broken links, compromised codes and disparities that might affect the SEO value of your website.
Improve the site’s security
As technologies evolve, so will the threats. In an era where data is money, it is really imperative that you do everything you can to make your website a safer place for users to come, share their details and make payment without even a tinge of hesitation. This is only possible when you maintain your websites with latest security systems, protocols and patches released from time to time.
Bring the aspect of freshness
People, especially customers, can get easily uninterested with certain aspects of the websites as time changes and will look for fresher and newer elements. In order to keep such customers and visitors interested in your business and the website, timely maintenance is an important factor you must never ignore.
Keep your content updated
When it comes to your website content, timely updating the content is a crucial element. It will help you create a better and renewed content strategy still utilizing your existing content. It will provide you with the option to restructure your content, utilize a better internal link-building strategy and to drive value for your SEO efforts from the existing content.
While these are the major reasons you need to maintain your website from time to time, knowing how you need to do that also is equally important. In the broad sense, web maintenance consists of activities such as website and content management, backend updates, content and page addition and server and database update. However, all of these depend upon the scope and size of the website and the allied technologies you utilize to run the same.
Regardless of the niche you operate in and the scale of your business operations, it is always a great business strategy to keep maintaining your website regularly, if you expect to grow in stature and revenue in your business.
Shaju Devessy is Director atIntellect Outsource managing Business Development and Marketing. Since 10 years, Intellect Outsource is a complete ecommerce outsourcing service provider supporting online store around the world with bulk product uploading, product data entry, Order management and also increased experience in providing eCommerce store designing & development service. This is an organization which has succeeded to satisfy 99.9% clients who all have required our assistance in developing eCommerce business.