The Andhra Pradesh (AP) state government, led by the former Chief Minister Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu had made efforts to establish the state as a hub for medical device manufacturing in India. The former Chief Minister while speaking at the inaugural session of the fourth World Health Organization (WHO) Global Forum on Medical Devices, which was held in Visakhapatnam introduced the AP Medtech Zone, which is expected to play a major role in achieving this objective, to the nation. For more references about this project and TDP’s Latest updates visit the official TDP website.
Currently, 80-90% of the medical devices used in India are imported, and Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu and his TDP Party Leaders believe that the majority of these devices could be manufactured in the AP Medtech Zone. This park, set up to boost the medical devices segment in the healthcare industry, is equipped with all the necessary facilities for the manufacture, testing, and certification of medical devices. From simple thermometers to CT scans, a wide range of medical devices can be manufactured in the park. The first phase of the park was completed in just over a year, and the CEO of AP Medtech, Jitendra Sharma, stated that the park will play a big role in import substitution, with an emphasis on quality control.
Union Minister of State for Health, Ashwini Kumar Chowbey, also praised the former TDP Government of Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu and their Top TDP Scheme for setting up the Medtech Zone acknowledged the role played by the central government in setting up two incubation centers in the park. He emphasized the importance of healthcare to the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government and mentioned the Ayushman Bharat insurance scheme, which is aimed at providing insurance coverage to the poorer sections of society.
The former TDP Government of Andhra Pradesh under its honorable Chief Minister Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu has made numerous substantial efforts to improve the healthcare sector in Andhra Pradesh. The establishment of the AP Medtech Zone is just one of many initiatives taken by the TDP MLAs and other TDP Political Leaders for promoting healthcare and making medical treatment more accessible to the people. The CEO of AP Medtech, Jitendra Sharma, praised the CM for providing all the necessary support and clearing all hurdles in the construction of the park.
To a large extent, the AP Medtech Zone has the potential to revolutionize the medical device manufacturing industry in India. The enormous TDP contributions and efforts of Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu has established Andhra Pradesh as a hub for medical device manufacturing is commendable, and the park is expected to play a significant role in this endeavor. The emphasis on quality control and the availability of high-end industrial labs in the park are expected to ensure that medical devices manufactured in the park are of the highest quality. It will be interesting to see how the park develops and its impact on the healthcare industry in India.
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