Today’s technology delivers us increased wireless network access and even more mobile devices. In fact, mobile device usage is on the rise and shows no signs of slowing down. Many of these devices have the capability to take photographs, and that means that there are more pictures than ever before.
The problem with all of these photos, as you may suspect, is that eventually it becomes easy to lose track of them. Is that picture of your cat stored on your smartphone, or is it on your tablet? Oh, maybe it’s on both, but was one image edited and the other one not? Hello? Just like that, confusion reigns.
Fortunately, there’s a new app out there to help cut down the confusion and help you to organize and backup your photos.
Mylio syncs images to a variety of devices
Enter Mylio
Mylio is a photo management software app released earlier in 2015. It’s a valuable tool for any photo enthusiast, whether they are a professional photographer or just an obsessive picture taker. It’s easy to accumulate way too many digital photos, and Mylio is just what you need to reduce that clutter!
Mylio is a subscription-based app that works for Macs, iPhones, Windows, and with an Android version in development. The beauty of this app is that it works across all of these platforms, so those pictures you took with your iPhone can be synced on your desktop PC.
Incidentally, a little trivia here: the name Mylio stands for My Life Is Organized. Not bad, eh?
Does It Cost?
Why, yes. Yes, it does. Granted, there IS a free trial version that runs for 30 days and doesn’t require a credit card, which is always a nice thing. From there, you have the Basic at $4.17/month, the Standard at $8.34/month, and the Advanced at $20.83/month, each level granting more features. All of the plans are billed annually.
Keeping Things Organized And Backed Up
That’s the whole raison d’etre for Mylio. If you have pictures scattered over all of your devices, then Mylio will help you by syncing your photos across all your devices (well, 3 devices for Basic, 5 for Standard, and 12 for Advanced).
If you’re like me, you’re taking photos with your phone, and sometimes they remain stored there, sometimes they go to your PC’s hard drive, and sometimes they go on a flash drive. Then you go online and find that you’ve been tagged in someone’s photo, so you download a copy, and before you know it, you have an army of photos scattered every which way. Mylio helps you make sense of it all, letting you sync, edit, and share your photos.
Automatic Duplicate Detection
In my opinion, this feature by itself is worth the price of admission. How many times have you had the same damn picture existing on multiple devices or even in many folders on the same device? Mylio takes care of that for you, and that’s a great way to save on disk storage space!
Granted, this app isn’t for everyone, but if you take any appreciable number of photos, it’s worth a test run. And if you want a tool to optimize and compress images, on the other hand, check this out.
Born in the Boston area in 1959, I started writing in 1985. I live in Nashua NH with my wife and three cats. We have four kids in our blended family. I am an utter geek who's into gaming, horror, SF/fantasy, the Red Sox, trains, running, history, and a bunch of other things.