Owning your own website for business purposes and for getting more traffic is not an easy task. If you are new to it and you want your website to be viewed by the public, then you have to invest in a web host that meets your requirements. There are many things to be aware of when it comes to choosing a particular web host for your website. If you do not take effort to do some research and you just decide on impulse, then you will surely pay for the consequences of your actions. You have to know the basics or the definition of web hosting before you learn the necessary factors to look for when settling down with a web host provider.
What Is Web Hosting And A Web Host?
First time website owners do not have sufficient understanding and knowledge on the things associated with web hosting. Some may have ideas about it, but are uncertain. As for the beginners, knowing the basics of web hosting is important to be able to understand the concept better. Every website owner should at least know what web hosting is. There is a service known as internet hosting available for any owner of a website and it is called web hosting. This service allows individuals who have websites for personal uses and companies for making online business to make their websites available and accessible to the World Wide Web.
A web host is basically a company or a provider with servers that are hooked up to the internet. It is also referred to as the server. There are IP numbers assigned in the server to be able to be viewed on the internet and be found by other computers online. It is on this server that everything is stored from your web pages to your files including graphic files, java scripts and CSS files.
When Looking For Web Host Plans
Ever website owner has a set of requirements to meet. When deciding to choose what particular plan to consider, it is best to learn several plans and weigh them down to make sure that you get what is necessary for your website. As for the plans available, there are three categories of plans that you may select from. These are the shared hosts, virtual private servers or VPS and dedicated hosts. The first plan offers the basics of web hosting and it does not provide a lot of control. It will most likely cost $10 or less per month. This is ideal for simple blogs. However, there are website owners who want their websites to be more meaningful and useful. The VPS are ideal for the intermediate users as well as those website owners who need a level of power or control over their setup. Depending on your storage space and power requirements, this plan may cost from $10 up to hundreds of dollars each month. The servers with the maximum potential and are the most expensive of all the plans are the dedicated hosts. This plan will most likely affect your bank account, but the service that you will get from it is totally worth it. Dedicated servers give you the full power of managing your website since they are created for catering only one user on each server. You will have full access and control over your site as well as high-level security and performance.
Web Hosting Plans: Things You Need To Be Aware Of
Determine hardware
The hardware requirement to run your website on is an important matter to consider. To avoid inconvenience and get reasonable service, you need to find out what kind of hardware does your chosen web host offer. You need to ensure that you get what you deserve. Do some research and find out the hardware requirements of each web hosting plan and see if the web host of your choice meets the requirements.
Focus on performance and speed
Keep in mind that your website performance is highly dependent on the hardware resources used by your chosen web host provider at its facility. If you opt for better services and you choose a web host plan that meets your requirements, then you have to make sure that your provider offers the level of performance offered in your plan.
Include uptime and reliability in your list of priorities
The uptime of a certain web host is the guaranteed time that your site is up and running. Though most providers promise the highest level of uptime, you have to be aware that your site may experience downtime because of traffic or it is being hacked. Check if the uptime provided by your web host plan is also offered by your provider.
Consider technical support and assistance
You may opt for high-level technical support and that is why, you choose a particular plan that suits your needs. You have to find a provider that will provide you the level of assistance you’ve paid for. Since there are things that vary from one plan to another like the kind of support you need, it is best to determine how much support your plan is giving you and check if the provider gives it to you.
Check the price
Packaging and services offered are dependent on the price. You have to make sure that you spend the money getting what you’ve really paid for. You do not want to settle for a high price just by getting poor services less than what is included in the plan.
There are so many considerations to take when choosing a plan and a host provider. If you want to get what is yours, then you should focus on the things to look for. Choosing this service is probably one of the most important decisions in your life as a website owner. You must not overlook several things that you think are not that important because you may end up being regretful when the time comes that you realize you wasted everything that you invest into due to the lack of seriousness in what you do. Since there are a lot of issues to address, you need to find a way to face them with better results.
Jack is a web designer who has also developed several Magento extensions for different leading businesses. He has earlier worked for the E-commerce Company.
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March 5, 2013 at 4:20 pm
Server Uptime should also be reviewed For the Company from which your are Purchasing the Account.
Thanks for the Tips
Joe Hart
March 6, 2013 at 6:26 am
Great piece of advice,…Will keep these things in mind the next time i purchase a web hosting plan.