Sanjay Panjwani, Co-founder & MD BatchMaster Software. A technology enthusiast, he is the brains behind BatchMaster ERP- ERP Software for process manufacturers. An avid outdoorsman by the weekends, he enjoys reading & playing sports too.
That an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is a fundamental requirement of any process manufacturing business, is an established fact now. For the process...
In this era of cut-throat competition, manufacturing businesses are invariably looking to add value to their processes, which can help them gain a competitive...
The process of transforming raw materials into final products is called manufacturing. The manufacturing process involves a series of guided steps and a designed...
“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master “-Christian Lous Lange Today, technology drives operations, processes, and production architecture of various manufacturing units....
Poultry farming (poultry, meat production and egg production) is one of the fastest growing segments within the agriculture sector. In fact, while the agricultural...
Pharma companies face a variety of pressures from complying with regulations to creating and producing innovative, cost-effective products. To manage these complex business challenges,...