
5 Essential Tips to Create an Effective Video Marketing Campaign

The world of business has always been enveloped by a competitive atmosphere. With brands and companies all vying for the top spot in the hearts and minds of consumers, business owners will find that every marketing venue has been saturated with marketing campaigns of every kind. But that doesn’t mean that there’s no point in trying. By making use of the right techniques and thoughtful planning, a company can elbow their way through thick throngs of marketing efforts to come out on top.

According to recent studies, up to 78% of active internet users watch online videos every week, and it has been observed that using the word “video” in emails and other marketing campaigns can increase click-through rates by up to 65%.

With these numbers in mind, we can assume that video marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies available to businesses today. Coming up with an effective video marketing strategy however, isn’t as simple as throwing some good looking content together and hoping that it sticks. A successful video marketing campaign involves careful planning, thoughtful research, and flawless execution to capture the attention of the general consumer population.

Step #1 – Identify Your Target Market

Starting your video marketing campaign begins with identifying your target audience. Although demographics might not be able to give that much of an in-depth understanding of your market, it will provide a better idea as to how you can best communicate with them in a way that they will appreciate.

To better identify your target market, you should first understand what your product offers. Will your innovation make it easier for people to perform those daily kitchen tasks like cooking? Then perhaps stay-at-home mom Tammy might be the target market prototype for your campaign. Is your product geared towards providing people with business solutions like mobile payment options? Then maybe you should direct your campaign towards start-up enterprise owner Thomas.

By taking the necessary steps to identify your target market, you can come up with a strategy that will be able to capture their interest.

Step #2 – Craft Your Content

Now that you know who you’re trying to communicate with, you can better understand what your marketing campaign should contain. Would your market be more interested in a tutorial or how to video? Would they better respond to reviews and testimonials from other individuals? Or would they appreciate something that gives them hard facts and information in the form of graphs or numbers?

Depending on your target audience, you can make use of one or a combination of many different kinds of content.

Step #3 – Weave a Relatable Story

One of the things many business owners fail to do when they create video content is to create a relatable story. Many consumers won’t understand any technical mumbo jumbo you identify as your product’s top qualities. They want to know what it does for them, why they need it, and how it can help them in their day to day lives. Look at your demographic and find out – who are these people and what daily troubles do they face that my product can resolve? If you’ve come to find that Tammy, the stay-at-home mom is your prototypical consumer, then you should weave a story that she can relate to.

Highlight all the qualities, features, and capabilities of your product that can ease her daily tasks. This will give put her in a better disposition to avail of what you’re offering.

Step #4 – Short, Sweet, to the Point

No one wants to sit down and watch an hour long product pitch. Longer video marketing campaigns tend to fail more often than not. In this digital day and age, people want something that they can load, watch, and share as fast as their internet speed will allow. When it comes to video marketing campaigns, shorter is always better.

By keeping your video a reasonable length, condensing information into small, easy-to-understand chunks, and keeping ideas flowing instead of lingering for prolonged minutes on a single point or topic, you are more likely to stimulate the minds of your viewers and capture their complete attention.

Step #5 – Make Use of the Right Platforms

The business world is littered with different platforms – where should you launch your video marketing campaign? If you’re stuck thinking about this question, a quick revisit to step number two might shed some light. Take another look at your target market.

Where does your consumer population acquire their information? Of course, the internet would be a great place to start, but where exactly on the internet should you focus your efforts? Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube all offer different benefits, options, and features. What’s more, your target market might be more active on one site than the other.

By taking the time to really think about the best platform for your video marketing campaign, you will be able to reach a relevant audience that will be interested in your new product.

In closing…

A video marketing campaign is an ideal way to capture audiences and set the stage for a brand new product, but there are a multitude of things you might need to consider and think about before you can get started on planning.

Remember – understanding your product and your audience are key requirements for a successful video marketing campaign. When you have those two in the bag, the battle would have been half won.


  1. Cindy Hoffman

    February 9, 2016 at 10:02 am

    Ohh, impressive figures there. It seems I should be focusing more on creating videos as much as I do with blog posts. Will also be trying it out in my mailing list and see how it improves the CTR. Thanks a lot for sharing this Paul, I enjoyed reading through it and something.


  2. Jenny

    August 21, 2016 at 2:35 pm

    I was looking into providing more video options to my client, and still I haven’t done any research. Your article helped me tremendously. Thank you.

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