
The Evolution of Learning Technologies and its Impact on Education

What Are Learning Technologies?

Majority of individuals refer to learning technologies as computer-based technologies that facilitates students ability to study conveniently outside a classroom setting. However, as a matter of fact, learning technologies have a long history, because people in the past, about 5000 years ago developed such technologies. Although, people are sometimes confused with the term ‘€œtechnologies’€ and find it difficult to understand how technologies happened to be developed 5000 years ago. However, technologies just refer to a simple technique, material or device that broadens human abilities. Technologies developed by people in the past include hunting and fishing tools, generation of fire for warmth and cooking, designing various marks, signs and other techniques to provide direction, different mediums of communication and a lot more. These are all referred to as technologies that have extended our abilities.

Evolution Of Learning Technologies

According to Donald Norman (1993) ‘Things that make us Smart are technologies’€. The contemporary computer-based learning technologies have outshined the traditional education industry. They have given birth to a consistent, more convenient branch of distance education, known as online education.

New learning technologies in today’s fast-paced world offer numerous benefits, such as:

  1. Global networking, providing worldwide collaboration
  2. Digital transformations
  3. High speed computation
  4. High storage capacity
  5. Interactivity through various mediums
  6. Continuous availability 24/7
  7. Individualization and customization of personalized data

Impact Of Technologies On Online Learning

Technology essentially serves as a guide in making basic structural changes that are essential for incorporating significant progress in productivity. Today, technology supports teaching and learning and aids setting up virtual classrooms equipped with digital learning tools, while also providing universities and colleges with the opportunity to enhance their course curriculum.

Furthermore, an online learning environment, supported by latest technologies boost student engagement and speeds up learning processes. Therefore, in today’€™s fast-paced world there are a number of online universities that are offering online degrees in distinct fields of study, providing students, all over the world, a chance to accomplish their academic goals. Integration of state-of-the-art technologies keeps instructors and online students connected to each other with various resources and systems that aid and improve personalized learning online.

With the passage of time, numerous technologies have been developed to enhance e-learning among students and working adults. The new e-learning technologies have transformed education by eliminating travel expenses, textbook costs and inconvenience on the part of students and working adults who have a hectic work life.


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  2. Alson Miller

    October 16, 2013 at 8:47 am

    Online education is play a great role in leaning technology and it helps greatly to improve education system. It impacts very good on education.

  3. Kelly

    March 19, 2014 at 9:34 am

    Technology has beyond any reasonable doubt made learning easy. You can access your learning materials from anywhere in the world as long as you are connected to the internet. I believe e-learning could be the future of education.

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