
Technological Advancement – Boon As Well As Curse – Checklist for Reducing Stress Levels

This is an era of technology. Almost every day we hear about the release and launch of some or the other tech gadgets. It has completely taken over our lives, especially the youth. While the advantages of modern technology are growing at a rapid speed, so does its adverse effects on our society and lives.

There is no denial in the fact that technology has changed our lives for better by keeping us more effective and fast growing with the latest innovations. However, at the same time, it is adding to the stress and anxiety levels by manifolds.

Check below to know if you are a victim of increasing stress levels due to technological advancement and how can you rescue yourself:

Spending too much time online

You are constantly on your Smartphone, tablets, laptops, etc. and have lost the art of conversation completely. Do you feel the urge to be on social media constantly? If your answer is in affirmative, you need a break immediately.

Over commitment

Do you feel that you never have enough time to relax and recoup? Is technology creating that vicious cycle of stress and anxiety in your life that you always feel pressured to reply to every message, emails, phone call immediately regardless of the time, the place you are at? If you relate to this situation, then it needs your attention at once.

Lack of sleep and increasing aggression

If you are not getting enough sleep due to technological pressure and lack of ‘face-to-face’ interactions are adding to aggression and rudeness in your life, you definitely need to change the pattern. It is essential that you switch off all your gadgets before your sleep time to feel calmer.

A new mattress and adjustable base is the best thing you can do for your sleep. These will help in increasing the quality of your sleep by reducing any pain and stiffness. Comfortable bed and mattress also help with right body posture and proper spinal alignment.

Increasing social stress

Do you feel you and your children feel too much social stress by instant messaging, social media, online gaming, and virtual world and there is no time for personal chats, physical activities, and social face to face gatherings? Are your children facing cyber-bullying because they are spending too much time online?

If this is the state of your life and mind right now, you are definitely the victim of increasing the stress levels caused by technology. A little more awareness of the situation coupled with some meditative therapies is what you need to come out of this worrisome situation.

Although technology has definitely helped in making life much easier, but the need of the hour is to keep the stress levels in check that comes along with these technological advancements. Few things that can help are:

  • Limited use of gadgets and for fixed timings
  • Changing lifestyle by doing yoga, meditation, in-person conversations to relax body and mind.
  • Doing walks, taking time for exercise, small breaks.
  • Lesser social media usage.

Always remember that technology is a powerful tool to make lives better, but the power to make your lives stress free and not let it take over is with totally in your hands.

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