
Five Less Popular Blogging Tips That Have Nothing To Do With Your Content

The blogging world hides no major secrets for both amateurs and professionals. There are hundreds of guides, tips and ideas to implement, and work on your blog traffic. However, when most bloggers focus on the important things, they often tend to ignore the small details. And just like in any other domain, small details often make the difference. They may not seem relevant when you first learn about them, but they will definitely work a very long way if applied correctly. Moreover, just like in any other industry, the best results are those that show up in the long run and not overnight.

Titles must never be underestimated

Titles represent the introduction to your content, but also its soul. If you leave the title blank or you come up with an unattractive one, it really does not matter how professional your piece of work is. Headlines should not be ignored either, since they are practically the makeup of your article. They enrich it and tell your audience that you have an answer to a situation.

Hyperlinks must open in new windows

Hyperlinks are supposed to open in new windows, even if the whole action may sometimes feel annoying to users. However, most ads are built this way, so there is nothing to worry about. The reason behind this idea is very simple to understand – your reader might be interested in something else, but you definitely do not want your website to be left. When a guest clicks on a link and gets directed to a different website in the same window, the reader may not even remember your website address.

Luring readers is a must

Readers can be enticed in a series of methods, but teasers and excerpts are the most popular ideas. Teasers are supposed to come up with a few lines and perhaps a small pictures too. On the other hand, excerpts cover more information and give out just enough to draw some attention. It is true that you can always display the whole content on the main page, but you would never know why your readers were there in the first place. Statistics will tell you which of your posts are more enticing.

Show your face

A picture of your smiling face should always go on the main page. Its size is not relevant, but its importance is crucial for your blog. When people read posts and articles, they design a specific image in mind. Unfortunately, this image is not always similar to you. Therefore, a small picture will let your audience associate words with a face. Moreover, video blogging is also a great idea every once in a while.

Pictures everywhere

Each post requires at least one image. This way, the article will be more appealing, but also more professional to readers. When shared over social networks, the respective scripts will also grab the main picture, which is even better. On the other hand, search engines cannot see images, so it might be a good idea to use alt text as well.

In the end, blogging is an art and succeeding from a first attempt is quite hard. Therefore, most bloggers tend to perfect overtime. But then, a few tips can definitely rush this process and help you benefit from a decent audience in no time.

1 Comment

  1. Naser

    July 23, 2013 at 5:38 pm

    Hi Stephon,

    Some SEO specialists do not agree on making the links to open in a new window. They say that it makes less familiar users feel that the site has generated a pop up and is also not good for SEO. Please correct me if I am wrong.

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