
Zero Day Attack Detection and Proactive Network Security Defense Measures

The most dreaded word that most network owners fear is that of “cyber-attacks,” for the extent of damage that a successful cyber-attacks can do to a network is definitely tremendous and far-reaching. There are individual hackers and groups of hackers, some are well-funded and some are just freelancers. Moreover, the motivations of hackers vary. Some hackers engage in hacking for profit. Some others engage in hacking for the pleasures that it brings them. Some, however, are highly organized and well-funded and work to wreak havoc on the network of their enemies. Some are also sponsored by states and are tasked to breach the networks of other governments. Hackers are also called with various names. They can be white hat hackers, black hat hackers, grey hat, blue hat, neophyte, hacktivists, crackers, and script kiddie.

Understanding Zero Day Attack

To understand Zero Day Attack, one has to understand how software is made and sold. There are vendors who sell software thinking that their software is without any glitch or hole. Yet, after they have sold their software, the buyers of this software often find a flaw or a hole in the makeup of the software. This hole is the one that is targeted in the Zero Day Attack. Hackers capitalize on proving that the so-called foolproof software of vendors is not foolproof after all, but fraught with defects. To prevent other buyers from becoming victims of Zero Day Attacks, vendors usually gather all the needed information and immediately work on patching the hole that is discovered by hackers. Vendors have to patch up the hole in their software to contain the possible damage it would bring their buyers. Vendors have to study the data breach incident reporting of buyers to figure out the nature of the hole. Vendors likewise have to engage in data breach analysis to understand the nature of the hole and to come up with the right patchwork for the hole.

How to Make Your Network Almost Impregnable to Cyber-attacks

There are basically two types of security measures that a network owner can espouse. On the one hand, network owners and network security officers can engage in a passive defense mode that makes use of passive defenses like putting up a firewall and installing an antivirus to your computer network. This type of security measures is very much effective in warding off imminent attacks like attacks brought about by malware. However, often these defense measures are not enough to counteract persistent attacks wrought about by well-funded hackers. The second type of security measures—the proactive defense—has to be espoused by the network security officers to ensure that their networks are almost impregnable to cyber-attacks of the persistent type. This proactive type of security defenses hounds the attackers and engages in counterintelligence to know the next move of the cyber-attackers. Proactive security measures, therefore, put the cyber-attackers in a defensive mode, turning them from being attackers into the ones who are being attacked. Proactive defense measures also necessitate that the security managers have real-time security visibility. This real-time security visibility will ensure that cyber-attacks are quickly detected and are contained immediately.


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