
Five Great Summer Fitness Apps

Say no to that personal trainer you are thinking of getting this summer. I know you want to have that toned body, so that you can hit the beach, but you don’t really have to join a gym for that. You can get a perfectly toned, absolutely fit body, by making use of some apps that have been specifically developed for this purpose alone.

So let’s take a look at them.

1. Calorie Counter – MyFitnessPal

If you to watch your calories there is nothing better than a calorie counter, and the best calorie counter is the one that has a huge food database. This is why an app that claims to have the largest database of food is something that you need to make a part of your physical fitness endeavors – Enter Calorie Counter and Diet Tracker app. It not only helps you count your calories, but also helps track your weight loss and allows you to monitor your projects on a daily basis.  It also comes with a barcode scanner, allowing a user to match the food, in the app’s database.

2. runtastic PRO

This is the essential activity mapping app, that helps you map your fitness activities including biking, running, walking.  Use of this app, means you don’t have to rack your brains about tracking your activities with respect to the speed, distances, calories etc.; this app does it all for you.  You have features like voice feedback, live tracking, auto pause, Routes, Heart rate support, Heart rate zone training and analysis and many others’; all of these come together to offer you a highly engaging fitness experience.  This app allows you to map your activities and allows you to analyze your fitness levels with graphs, performance analysis and a host of other functionalities.

This is a great app to use, if you want to enjoy, map, and keep track of your workout sessions.

3. C25k – Couch to 5km

Don’t worry, even if you are a couch potato, there are apps that have the potential to get you off your favorite spot on the couch and get started on an exercise routine. You go from being somebody who cannot run even a few meters to somebody can run a few kilometers, with the help of the C25K – Couch to 5km app, available for both the iPhone and the Android.

So, how does this app actually help you achieve this feat? Well, it helps you build up your routine through an 8 week period, wherein you are told when you need to warm up, when to walk and of course when to run.

4. Yoga For All

There is nothing like making a Yoga session, a part of your daily exercise regimen for a fit body. If that is what you are thinking too, then Yoga for All is an app that will be of great help. It brings to you almost all the Yoga Asanas (Positions), which you can explore and perform. It also offers you information on the various exercises that have been categorized as basic, intermediate and advanced. As a user you can choose the exercises that you want to perform based on your goals and your ability.

It’s a great app to help you get started on Yoga and experience its benefits. Who knows, you might just start making Yoga an important part of your fitness regimen.

5. Waterlogged

Hydration is of paramount importance when it comes to fitness. You can burn as many calories as you want, but if you don’t keep yourself hydrated, you aren’t doing your body any favors. The Waterlogged app acts as a reminder for you to keep your water intake up. It alerts you at regular intervals to drink water. And its alert is really funny, so beware!
So, here they are, summer fitness apps that will help you get that perfect body.  Use them and I am sure you will feel the difference.


  1. Rohit Kabdwal

    April 15, 2013 at 7:17 am

    nice collection of summer fitness apps..
    i liked the “Yoga For All” very much, because it is always been very hard to learn all the “Asanas” of yoga.., this apps assist people to have a good yoga session for healthy body.. 🙂
    nice research.. 🙂

    • Albert Vang

      April 15, 2013 at 7:38 am

      Glad you found it useful 🙂 The Yoga app is great for all Yoga enthusiasts 🙂

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