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Search results for "machine learning"


With the advent of self-driving cars looming ever closer, it is only a matter of time before deliveries are handled by automated vehicles instead...


At a 47% response rate, cloud security is the most important emerging technology in 2017 according to CompuCom. Consider, though, with higher cloud technology...


Amazon could change the way we all shop once again, but a project as ambitious as Amazon Go raises one important question: is it...


With the invention of machines and factories came the age of mass production. To meet with the ever-growing demands of the market, automated systems...


The world of technology is moving ahead at the speed of light. Technology is expected to move forward even faster and new trends are...


“How can a visual design be enhanced in mobile UI/UX?” This question is frequently asked by most mobile app developers, looking to create wonderful...


Are you a new gun enthusiast getting to grips with guns and spending lots of time practicing at ranges and at home with the...


When we think about medical and technology, the summed up thought that comes to our mind is that of better ways of treatments. It...


The reach of technological innovation is growing steadily and today it has reached a height from where it is touching the life of roughly...


Hackers aren’t always cracking into mainframes and stealing passwords to gain access to highly confidential data. In fact, the typical Hollywood behavior of a...


Cloud services have skyrocketed in popularity recently. As the internet and upload speeds have increased, moving your data to the cloud has become easier...


When you hear the word “robot”, what do you think of? Is it Robby the Robot from “Lost In Space”? Or maybe it’s R2-D2...


There are 3 essential things required to make your website live on the internet to be accessed around the globe. The website address or...


Windows Phone, at least in its latest avatar is about to celebrate its 3rd year in the smartphone OS market. With the Windows Phone...


If you’re a fan of video games, there are two main options available to you: tablets and laptops. Each of these has distinct advantages...