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5 Latest Trends to Follow for Roofing Website Design in 2021     

A website is a digital representation of your roofing business. It allows you to engage and communicate with potential and existing customers. If you are looking to market your roofing services and generate high-quality leads, explore the web designing services offered by Hook Agency.   Post the pandemic, the general sentiment among customers is that the digital capabilities of brands should be at par with the quality of services offered. According to a report by Salesforce, 88% of customers want brands to accelerate digital initiatives.     Here, look at different website design trends that could help your roofing business meet customer expectations. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Latest Trends to Follow for Roofing Website Design in 2021  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Horizontal Scrolling  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ With vertical scrolling being the norm, the UX design trend of horizontal scrolling helps designers break the monotony and offer users a unique interacting experience. It is a good designing technique to supplement users with relevant secondary information.  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Some design tips to follow when implementing horizontal scrolling: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do not make the scrolls text-heavy. An excellent way to leverage this design trend would be to use it as a photo gallery. Show users your services or photos of completed projects. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you want to display text, keep content short and use bold fonts. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Let users control the flow of horizontal scroll with clear cues.  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Storytelling  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Talk to your customers, let them know your brand story. Instead of using plain text, utilize visual elements to hook the audience's interest and keep them engaged. You could use illustrations, little cartoon animations, 3D images, and a mix of color and font to drive the user's attention to the story.  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Keep in mind: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do not overcrowd the screen with elements. Give users a sense of control with clear navigation buttons.  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Multimedia  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ With the crisis of 2020, visual trends in website designing are evolving at a fast pace. People are spending more time online. They have access to faster internet speeds. Leverage these opportunities to include multimedia in your website. Use a combination of audio, video, and images to provide users a different experience.  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ When adding multimedia to your website, remember: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Keep the video short. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Avoid adding long text that will take time to read. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Let users decide if they want to play the video; provide them a play button.             ______________________________________________________________________________________________________    Dynamic Landing Pages  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ When a user visits your website through a search engine, introduce them to your business with customized landing pages. Instead of static web pages, bring variety to your landing pages by adding responsive elements. Get in touch with experts like Hook Agency to know how you can create a responsive design for your roofing business.  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ For dynamic landing pages: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use elements like small animations, interactive features, illustrations, and custom cursors. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Avoid overcrowding. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use text and color to highlight the product/service the landing age is designed for.  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Add Depth with 3D Visuals  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Using 3D visuals, you could draw the user's attention to the part of the screen you want. Ensure they are seamlessly integrated with the design scheme of the website. They are supposed to stand out but not in a brutish manner. A 3D visual with bold headlines make for good first impressions.  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ When using 3D visuals: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Keep the design minimal. You can use soft floating elements and layers. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ You can make the visual interactive for better engagement. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Shadows and textures can be used to add depth.    ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Leverage Website Design to Grow your Roofing Business  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ When designing a website, think from a customer's perspective. Focus on providing them with a complete experience. Your website should be convenient to use, do not compromise on functionality for form. Build a strong foundation with clean design, crisp content, and SEO, and then explore the design trends to set your website apart from competitors. 
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