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5 Security Awareness Training Materials for Preparing Employees

Employees play a large role in maintaining a secure business. To fully prepare employees for preventing cyber attacks, businesses conduct security awareness training. The top programs establish a culture built around cybersecurity. Moreover, the best training programs enforce changes within the workplace. With the right knowledge, employees can follow clear processes to safeguard company data, credentials and assets. Business owners promote these changes and build secure cultures by using the latest information. Read this post to learn about the best security awareness training materials for preparing your employees.

Phishing Simulation Tools

One of the best security awareness training materials is a phishing simulation tool. These tools allow business owners to show their workers exactly what phishing attacks look like. Since hackers primarily use this type of scam to retrieve information from corporations, this tool is crucial. You can inform your team that you will be launching a mock attack. However, many business owners prefer to use simulation tools to catch their employees off-guard. This method allows you to see how well your workers can prevent attacks as they would occur in real life. Consider investing in this security awareness training material to fully prepare your employees.

Immersive Quizzes

Another advantageous security awareness training material to use in your program is an immersive quiz tool. Immersive quiz tools allow you to keep employees engaged during tests. The best immersive quizzes place employees in an exciting virtual world. You can ask difficult questions regarding your security lessons and still make the learning experience fun. Consider allowing your workers to take these quizzes online during their free time. Some workers feel more at ease taking exams after work hours. However, you can designate certain hours in the workday to testing. This allows you to monitor workers during the exams. Regardless of the option you choose, these tools improve security awareness training programs.

Cybersecurity Newsletters

Additionally, invest in newsletter tools to re-enforce your cybersecurity awareness training program. Security-based newsletters prepare employees for cyberattacks by continuously reinforcing various lessons. When businesses send out security-based newsletters each week, it is difficult for their employees to forget basic protocols. Focus on a different lesson in each week’s newsletter to avoid confusing workers. Include any cybersecurity-related news at the end of each newsletter. This keeps your employees up-to-date on the latest trends. Use newsletters to fully prepare workers for preventing cyber threats against your company.

Informative Videos

Videos also prepare employees for cyber attacks. This kind of security awareness training material simplifies the learning process for many workers. Some employees struggle to retain information that they learn in a classroom setting. By offering workers video tutorials as well, you supply them another learning outlet. Provide employees with videos on cyber attack prevention strategies, term explanations and common scenarios. With this wide variety of security videos, your employees can properly learn the best prevention tactics. More so, they can maintain a clear understanding of each topic. Keep this in mind as you invest in the latest security awareness training materials.

Security Posters

Finally, many businesses excel in security awareness training by using posters. Some companies conduct poster activities. They instruct their teams to create security posters together. Other businesses purchase professionally-made security posters. Regardless, the posters you obtain need to include a variety of cybersecurity topics. The top materials highlight basic cybersecurity terms and definitions. They also offer strategies for preventing various cyber attacks. Consider creating posters that portray common warning signs as well. Focus on phishing attack and password theft warning signs. Hang the posters up in your office to continuously remind workers of the top tactics. Take advantage of these security awareness training materials to not only prepare your employees. Use posters to keep workers prepared even after your training program ends.

Maintain a secure workspace by properly training your staff on cybersecurity prevention. A highly beneficial material to use in your training program is a phishing simulation tool that allows you to launch mock phishing attacks on your workers. Invest in an immersive quiz tool to keep workers engaged during tests and improve their understanding simultaneously. Purchase a tool that allows you to send out weekly cybersecurity newsletters as well. Supply your team with informative videos on topics ranging from cybersecurity term basics to email phishing warning signs. Finally, conduct activities for your workers to create their own cybersecurity-related posters. Hang them up around the office for constant reminders. Use these security awareness training materials to prepare your employees for any cyber-attacks made against your business.

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