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3 Ways To Profit From Blog Marketing

blog-marketingBlog marketing is something which everyone who has a Web site or blog should work on. While a lot of bloggers run their blog for profit, several others do not depending on what figure you are looking at. Everybody blogs for a distinct purpose – you will observe that those who are attracted to blogging through their search for a home business are usually doing so for money. On the other hand, people who blog solely as a means of expressing their thoughts and journal more or less, fall into the other category.

Blog marketing is one of the many ways of making  money in return for running a blog. In order to make a decent return you need to persistent and the following techniques will assist you in doing so.

1. Avoid Plagiarism

Content has to be well written and unique before marketing a blog. This helps you to avoid plagiarism, which will certainly get you into difficulty with search engines and copyright owners. Be certain that you own the rights to  all of your posts before marketing your blog for profit.

2. Find Partners

Find other blogs in the same niche as yours to exchange ideas and back-links with will also help you a great deal, particularly if they have higher authority than yours. The higher the page rank (PR) of your link exchange, the better it is for your blog as it tends to boost your ratings with search engines such as Yahoo and Google.

3. Tracking

Tracking is another crucial component of blog marketing. You need to be able to monitor your visitors to understand exactly where they are coming from. You want to know what search phrases lead people to your blog and where the search is conducted. Doing so will help you know exactly what keyword phrases work or do not work for you.

Blog marketing for profit can certainly be accomplished if you recognize exactly what is effective or ineffective for you. You will basically learn as your experience grows and with time other bloggers and Web site owners will run to you for advice.

Talking Point

What motivated you to start blogging or own a Web site?

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  1. Web Hosting UK

    April 5, 2010 at 2:14 pm

    Good post, yes unique content is important in blog marketing so also is tracking your we traffic, which most usually ignore. Knowing your web analytic will help you out in planning your methods and other strategies in the future.

  2. chudai

    April 6, 2010 at 6:47 pm

    its first time i got this information, its like a hidden secret for me before, but now its disclosed for me

    thanks a ton

  3. Blog aus der Hauptstadt

    April 6, 2010 at 11:35 pm

    Thanks for the tips, especially the tracking is something, what I have to watch better. For this I use Google analytica and Greetings from Berlin
    .-= Blog aus der Hauptstadt´s last blog ..Die deutsche Firma Dicota – vorbildlich in der Kundenbetreuung =-.

  4. Mobile Marketing

    April 9, 2010 at 8:09 am

    Great post on blog marketing, thanks for the helpful tips.

  5. Domain name registration

    June 11, 2010 at 8:31 pm

    Thanks for sharing this points, it will go a long way in helping lots of bloggers to make more money from blog marketing…

  6. NJ SEO Company

    June 12, 2010 at 1:14 am

    “What motivated you to start blogging or own a Web site?”

    I started a blog initially to promote my computer repair business. Now I have several blogs that each turned into their own entity creating new business opportunities. It’s amazing how many doors a good blog can open for you.

  7. shared short code

    July 6, 2010 at 8:16 pm

    Above points are excellent but today blog marketing with sms gatewaty api to send sms from website to computer is the better way to make unique visitors to your blogs. Mobile marketing is the new tread of marketing products because of uses of mobile phone. According to recent survey about 90% US people read sms and this shows how people interested in mobile. Sending sms through shared short code or own brand short code to customer helps to reach your products to customer. Short code is now used by all popular reality shows, programs, games and election campaigns to send or to populate their message to targeted audiences.

  8. mobile marketing

    July 12, 2010 at 1:14 pm

    You are absolutely right! Mobile marketing is the most growing marketing strategy these days to promote brands, business, services and organization. Mobile marketing come in focus in recent few years, especially due to fast growing mobile phone uses across the world. Analyst Estimate that in 2008 about 3.4 billions text messages send worldwide and the response rate of these text messages were about 70%, this statistic attract marketing c. Today all top brands and organization using mobile marketing campaigns to promote their products.

    • justin bryan

      July 17, 2010 at 5:59 pm

      I am agree with your points that today mobile blog is developing by several company to improve traffic of mobile blog searcher.

  9. Janis Gagliardi

    August 10, 2011 at 7:48 am

    I started blogging and building my own website primarily because I wanted to meet and connect with similarly motivated people. And also, I thought this would allow me to expand my knowledge of Internet business and attract new clients. These are some good tips you provided here. Thanks for the post.

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