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Top Ten Questions to Ask When Buying a Printer

A printer is an output device for reproducing text and image from a computer screen onto a piece of paper. Recent advances in technology mean that these devices have more functionalities than ever although the ink-jet, laser, portable, dot-matrix and all-in-one printers are still the most popular.

Ink-jet printers are mostly found in homes alongside a personal computer. They are not very expensive and can print in both coloured and black/white formats. The laser-jet printers, on the other hand, are more expensive and are commonly used in office environments due to their higher rate of printing and longevity.

Portable printers are much cheaper, transportable and sometimes battery-powered although they are best used for plain text printing. The dot matrix printers are mostly used for printing out receipts. They can be found in shops and retail outlets due to their limited functionality. Meanwhile, the all-in-one printers are growing in popularity; they usually come with scanners, photocopiers, picture readers, memory card readers, and fax machines.

With so many choices available, the process of buying a new printer can be sometimes difficult and confusing. However, making the right choice could become a lot easier by carefully considering the following questions.

  1. Do you know enough about your needs and requirements for the new gadget? Doing some kind of research and finding out as much information as possible before paying for a new printer is extremely important to avoid wasting money. This could be done by visiting various manufacturers’ and price comparison websites,  reading reviews or speaking to a sales representative at your local retail store.
  2. How much are you willing to pay? When buying a printer one must have a realistic budget. There is no absolutely any need to pay for a printer that exceeds your requirement as prices can vary from reasonable to ridiculous.
  3. Is the new printer going to be compatible with your computer’s operating system (OS)? Note that not all printers will work with a Windows, Linux or Mac OS so it is important to double check.
  4. Does the printer come with after-sale support? Check to see whether the new gadget has a warranty, breakdown cover or return policy in case of unexpected damage.
  5. How much will it cost to replace the printer or cartridges? Many printers, particularly ink-jets, are usually cheaper to buy than to maintain. Make sure replacement cartridges are affordable.
  6. How easy is it to understand and operate the equipment? A new printer should be easy to operate.
  7. Do you travel a lot? If are intend to use the printer mostly as a hand-luggage, you are advised to purchase a lightweight one.
  8. Can the printer be upgraded? If the printer will be used on a long-term basis then you must know that not all printers have upgrade options.
  9. Is the printer going to be used to print large volumes of graphics and text? If yes, how fast can it print? Consider the memory size, type of processor, and the number of pages it prints per minute (ppm).
  10. Does the manufacturer provide sample printing facilities? Always ask to print and compare samples before buying a printer especially if you are doing so at a retail store as many manufacturers’ provide spare printers for this purpose.

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  1. My Amazing Weight Loss Story

    May 28, 2009 at 8:15 pm

    Thanks for writing, I truly liked your latest post. I think you should post more often, you clearly have natural ability for blogging!

  2. Marky

    October 20, 2010 at 3:38 pm

    To answer question number 7, I think the best way to do is to purchase portable printers. If you have a laptop, then it is ideal to acquire one. All of the questions relevant. I would like to add something, “Will the printer not go crazy if there are lots of documents that in enqueued?”

  3. Lorenz Macasadia

    October 23, 2010 at 7:22 am

    if you guys find that money isn’t a problem and you’re looking for top notch printers i suggest you look here. Inkjet printers are great nowadays.

  4. spanish language software

    November 8, 2010 at 8:57 pm

    One thing to look out for is that oftentimes manufacturers do not provide after sale support in the form of drivers for new operating systems, which is terribly unfortunate. I have a Konica Minolta laser printer that is in fantastic condition, but Minolta has no motivation to provide printer drivers for any operating systems after Windows XP. So basically, I’m sort of being pushed into having to throw away a perfectly good laser printer if I want to have something to use with my newer computers with newer operating systems.

  5. Pingback: Tweets that mention Top Ten Questions To Ask When Buying A Printer

  6. raymund

    February 18, 2011 at 12:31 am

    Superb advice. Buying a printer is challenging these days because of the many competing brands.

  7. Matt

    February 27, 2011 at 1:11 pm

    I just want to ask regarding the update features of a printer? is this the software that we used when printing or is it technically hardware peripherals? Because I’ve found one in the net called inkonvert they will convert a ink cartridge printer to a toner type. Is that what you mean?


    • Admin

      February 27, 2011 at 9:45 pm

      It can go both ways: hardware & software. Although I’m not familiar with Inkonvert, those are the kind of information you have to find out from either the printer manufacturer or retailer before you purchase one.

  8. Matt

    October 26, 2011 at 3:26 pm

    Thanks for the explanation, regarding points number 5 and 9. I’m willing to pay a couple bucks for a printer which is expensive but its ink is the most cheapest around the market. Imagine buying a low price printer with a whooping ink price? Also it’s true that before you buy what will its purpose? for printing only docus? for printing photos? that’s are the question we need to ask before purchasing one.

  9. Tone

    November 3, 2011 at 11:30 am

    Nice share! The tip to buy a printer really sounds great and sure it will help lot of people to get an idea before buying the printers. Thanks for the share! Keep posting!!

  10. gerry downey

    January 25, 2012 at 3:32 pm

    thanks for the great info have been following your blog now for a while
    there really is a wealth of info here keep up the good work

  11. Marty Makki

    June 16, 2020 at 6:14 am

    A debt of gratitude is in order for clarification, with respect to focuses numbers 5 and 9. I’m willing to pay two or three bucks for a printer which is costly yet its ink is the least expensive around the market. Envision purchasing a low-value printer with a challenging ink cost? Additionally, the facts demonstrate that before you purchase what will its motivation? for printing just docus? for printing photographs? that is are the inquiry we have to pose before buying one.

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